Posts tagged Dairy
Legislative Update 04.10.23

After crossover, the agency of agriculture (VAAFM) makes promising attempts to double budget appropriations of the House to the full $14M as proposed by the Governor. The House Ag committee moved the Right to Repair bill to the House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development with a chance to still pass this biennium - if not this session. The House also started to discuss new initiatives proposed by members of the ag committee, including H.274 related to ag and nutrition education and H. 368 related to supporting new, veteran and disadvantaged farmers. On the Senate side we’re excited to see potential progress on cannabis related to treating outdoor cultivation in the same manner as agriculture, and integrating Social Equity programs and funding. All the details and more below.

New Initiatives

Young farmers on the House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency and Forestry (HAG) are showing initiative and keep introducing bills that address issues in agriculture that they want to work on - education and more specific support for farmers that are disadvantaged, veterans or new. As we explained in our crossover update - the VT legislature meets in biennial sessions, meaning for sessions over two subsequent years so that bills introduced in year one can still move and pass in year two.

Table of Contents

H. 274 - An Act Relating to Agriculture and Nutrition Education

H. 368 - An Act Relating to Supporting New Farmers, Veteran Farmers, and Farmers who are Disadvantaged

Right to Farm

H.81 - Right to Repair


Organic Dairy Relief

H.205 - The Small Farmer Diversification and Transition Program

H.126 - Community Resilience and Biodiversity Protection, 30x30/ 50x50 bill

Miscellaneous Agriculture Bills

H.165 - Universal School Meals

PFAS and Composting Food Scraps on Farms News

Budget Updates

H.274 - An Act Relating to Agriculture and Nutrition Education

Update: Introduced by lead sponsor Rep. Henry Pearl March 23rd to HAG. This bill aims to develop a statewide agriculture and nutrition education curriculum as well as to include the topics in education quality standards. Technically, H. 274 got introduced by being read for the first time on 2/16, but the HAG committee didn’t take this bill “off the wall” until the lead sponsor had a chance to introduce it 3/23 - which was after the crossover deadline on 3/17. After crossover, the committee picked up the bill and started to hear testimonials. Agency of Education staff questioned adding an additional layer of complexity to the system - especially without the appropriation needed. Similarly, the Vermont Curriculum Leaders Association (VCLA) was thanking the legislators for seeing this issue while also asking how it would be possible to add to the already overwhelmed system around curricula. Legislators asked for ways to include this type of education more in the system without adding stress or even disruption and VCLA staff suggested that real life experience through field trips, internships, partnerships, supplemental curricula, other opportunities for student engagement and more support for that would be an option. Interestingly, the committee learned that the bill would fall in line with Act 77 (2013) goals to personalize learning and could help to facilitate that.

More info: follow the bill status here; view testimony from VT FEED 4/6 here; testimony Woodstock Union HS/MS here; mtg w. Legislative council 3/30 here; hearing with Agency of Education here; bill introduction here; 4/5 VT Curriculum Leaders Association here

H. 368 - An Act Relating to Supporting New Farmers, Veteran Farmers, and Farmers who are Disadvantaged

Update: This bill seeks to address the increasingly dramatic amount of farmland that is up for sale and transition as farmers get older. In order to promote continued agricultural use of that land, Heather Suprenant and the rest of the House Ag Committee are looking for ways to support and encourage new farmers, and especially those who face additional social and economic challenges. There is an early draft which would do so by adding to the duties of the the Working Lands Enterprise Board the charge to “increasing financial and technical assistance for new farmers, veteran farmers, and disadvantaged farmers in order to expand opportunities for more persons to enter farming in the State,” and to “encourage and assist new farmers, veteran farmers, and farmers who are disadvantaged in the ownership and operation of farms in the State.” In this draft, a “disadvantaged farmer” is defined as a farmer or prospective farmer who earns “not more than the State median income level for the relevant household size” (which includes a lot of farmers!).

This bill still seems to be in its early stages, with much debate and various opinions about the impact that expanding the duties of the Working Lands board might have. There seems to be a shared interest in tending to farmland transition and supporting new farmers amongst the reps on the House Ag Committee, but not yet a shared strategy. At this point it is unclear to Rural Vermont how this initiative correlates to the efforts and mandate of the Land Access Opportunity Board which was established in 2022 and has the objective to advocate for and manage public and private funding to “support access to land, housing, opportunity and enterprise for individuals, families, and cooperatives from historically marginalized and disadvantaged Communities” and to “structure its investments [...] to build a future of food and land sovereignty.” 

More info: Follow along with H.368 here & learn more about the objectives of the Land Access and Opportunity Board in the Budget update below and here.


Legislators continue tinkering with the Right to Repair and the Right to Farm issue - both bills have seen some action after not making the crossover deadlines.

Update: Each state has a “Right to Farm” law that offers some protection to farms doing regular farm things from nuisance lawsuits from neighbors – especially new neighbors – who may not like the smells or sounds of farming. Striking a balance can be tricky (Right to Farm laws have been used to both protect small farms from impractical lawsuits, and to provide immunity to CAFOs and other harmful mega-businesses) and the Senate Committee on Agriculture looked at making various adjustments to Vermont’s law before the crossover. After stalling due to a no vote from Senator Brian Campion, this bill has been stripped down to include just one of the many changes that its early drafts had proposed: the requirement of attempted mediation before suing farms. This latest draft 6.1 would require that any nuisance claim arising from agricultural activity be accompanied by a sworn statement that mediation was at least attempted, and mandates that the would-be plaintiff and defendant split mediation costs. Farmers and farm organizations who advocated for changes to Vermont’s law originally intended for a rewrite to better protect farms that go through farm succession, and other transitions that may uproot their previous nuisance protection. This interest was fired by concerns regarding the current provision that links the rebuttable presumption that an agricultural activity does not constitute a nuisance to meeting the condition that it is “established prior to surrounding nonagricultural activities.” This week, no meeting or vote on right to farm draft 6.1 was scheduled in the Senate Committee on Agriculture. 

More info: Follow along here; read the current law here.

H.81 - Right to Repair

Update: Vermont is one of fifteen states currently working on legislation that would require farm and forestry equipment manufacturers to make it easier for equipment owners and repair shops to fix their equipment. In particular, this wave of legislation is targeting John Deere and other manufacturers’ habit of locking owners and independent mechanics out of the software that increasingly runs and diagnoses machinery, sometimes charging hundreds of dollars simply to enter a five digit code to gain access to it.

The current draft mandates that manufactures provide mechanics and owners with what they need to unlock and relock software in order to diagnose and repair equipment without charging more than what is “reasonably necessary,” or that would be prohibitive. This bill would make this requirement enforceable by civil action, but also makes clear that divulging trade secrets would not be required by this change.

On 4/6 H.81 moved out of the House Ag Committee with a 7-2 vote (with Republican Reps. Graham and Wilson voting “no”) and has moved to the House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development.

More info: Follow along here, and learn more about the wider efforts for the right to repair farm equipment here

Other Updates


Update:  Upon the introduction of H.270 - the “miscellaneous cannabis bill” - in the Senate Economic Development Committee, James Pepper (Cannabis Control Board, or CCB) made recommendations to the committee related to two of our coalition’s goals:  extending the agriculture related exemptions from Tier 1 cannabis cultivators to all tiers of outdoor cannabis production, and funding the Cannabis Business Development Fund (which pays for the current social equity programming).  This is a very positive shift from the CCB, and we are also seeing signs of interest and support in the Committee and from other lawmakers.  Based on committee conversation the bill will be between the Senate Agriculture Committee, the Senate Economic Development Committee, and the Senate Appropriations Committee before it progresses to the Senate floor.  

This week on Tuesday morning, the Senate Agriculture Committee took testimony on H.270 from the Cannabis Control Board, a tier 3 outdoor cannabis cultivator (former Senator John Rodgers), Vermont Growers’ Association (VGA), and Rural Vermont.  Rural VT, VGA, and Senator Rodgers all affirmed in testimony our alignment in treating all tiers and types of outdoor cultivation in the same manner as agriculture.  We also testified in relationship to the propagation license and conflicts with the federal hemp program.  The Committee seems receptive to some of our recommendations at least, and will likely be taking testimony on the bill again this Friday, April 12.

On Wednesday April 12, Sen. Tanya Vihovsky introduced S.127 - an act relating to the creation of new types of cannabis establishment licenses and the provision of cannabis excise tax revenue to the Cannabis Business Development Fund, communities that have been disproportionately impacted by cannabis prohibition, and substance misuse treatment.  This is a bill which our coalition helped to inform, and in her testimony Sen. Vihovsky suggested that particular aspects of it - including our recommendations related to both the Cannabis Business Development Fund and community reinvestment - could be lifted from this bill and integrated into H.270.  

More info:  Contact representatives on key committees this week!  This is a unique opportunity for us to make progress - and the best opportunity we’ve had for your voice to make a difference on this issue this legislative session.  Our Action Alert makes it easy for you to contact the representatives of these committees and create a customized message supporting our coalition’s different asks for H.270.  Thank you for supporting this movement towards an equitable and accessible and agricultural cannabis economy!

Organic Dairy Relief

Update: In our crossover update we had shared that the Senate Committee on Agriculture had been working on a draft language to cover the corrected $6.9M in organic dairy relief urgently needed right now. Including such language will be part of the Senate Appropriation Committees discussion when they work on agriculture related budget items. Including the request in the budget is still what’s needed & the Senate Committee on Appropriations would benefit from hearing from your support for the organic dairy relief funding.

More info: contact info to Senators on Appropriations here; bill draft here (corrected link)

H.205 - The Small Farmer Diversification and Transition Program

Update: The bill relating to establishing the Small Farmer Diversification and Transition Program moved over to the Senate Committee on Agriculture in time who started to hear and learn about it on multiple occasions. In the meantime, Rural Vermont got inquiries from members about how the bill defines “small farm” and to whom this grant opportunity of up to 15K grants will apply. The intent of this legislation is to make it easy for any small farmer to apply and be eligible for this support and offers three definitions that apply alternatively: (A) someone who earns at least one half of a person's income farming; (B) someone engaged in “farming as defined in Act 250; (C) a small farm subject to the RAPs {note: which does not need to be a certified small farm}

More info: follow along here; bill as introduced here; our 3/12 and 3/27 legislative updates.

H.126 - Community Resilience and Biodiversity Protection, 30x30/ 50x50 bill

Update: This bill passed the House with an amendment of the House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency, and Forestry last week with an amendment that included a review of the conservation plan that the bill mandates to be developed by the Secretary of Natural Resources (deadline December 31, 2024) and for the plan to inform a comprehensive strategy towards conserving agricultural land that would “increase access to protected and conserved lands and land-based enterprises as well as recommendations to increase funding in the working lands more broadly.” The bill is currently in the Senate Committee on Natural Resources where they spend the whole day on hearings about this bill on the day of this update .

More info: find the recordings from the 4/13 hearings on H.126 on the committees YouTube page here

Miscellaneous Agriculture Bills

The two miscellaneous agriculture bills, S.115 and H.472, have each crossed chambers and are being discussed in the other respective Committees on Agriculture. Below we want to highlight two sections of the bills that have changed – for a full summary of the many issues touched upon, please see our 3/12 and 3/27 legislative updates.

Municipal Stormwater Management in S.115

When this bill left committee, the section on stormwater management prohibited municipalities from assessing stormwater fees on farms on the basis that the state currently handles agricultural stormwater, so farms in some towns are not being double-penalized. This change passed the Senate but only after adopting changes recommended by the Committee on Finance that mandates that the agencies of Natural Resources and Agriculture compile a report assessing the impact of making such a change. In the meantime, this latest draft does put a temporary halt on municipal stormwater fees for farms between 7/1/23 and 7/1/24, effectively staying true to the earlier drafts but with a plan for reassessment before making the change permanent.

Bees and Apiaries - H.472 

April 5th testimony from the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets made clear that even the more substantive changes to the state’s bee and apiary legislation are only intended to bring the statute into alignment with existing agency practices and policy. For example, there is a change to require an inspection in the 45 days before selling bees instead of “at least once each summer season,” but the agency already requires an inspection within the 45 days prior to selling bees. Still, there is some ambiguity in the current law about whether import permits are needed when bees are brought into the state from within 75 miles away, and the proposed changes would close that loophole, adding the requirement (or, making clear the existing requirement…) that beekeepers register their bees when crossing state lines, even if they are not for sale and are not traveling more than 75 miles. 

H.165 - Universal School Meals

Update: Universal School Meals made the crossover deadline and is currently in the Senate Committee on Education. The bill is on a good trajectory as the committee already had a walk-through from the legal council, and got the overview from the new Rep. Esme Cole from Hartford and heard from some parents and students as well. A possible vote is scheduled for later this week.

More info: look into the Senate Committee of Education agenda on their website for the next scheduled hearings and listen in on Friday, 4/13 for the possible vote at 2:45pm (the livelink to YouTube for that is in the agenda)

PFAS and Composting Food Scraps on Farms News

After numerous farms in Maine have been confronted with loads of PFAS contamination and continue to deal with the dire consequences of their livelihoods being disrupted in consequence -  the Maine delegation is introducing a bill to support farmers affected by PFAS. The excess contamination levels originated in sludge that was spread as fertilizer. The bill would authorize grants to affected farmers, expand monitoring and testing, remediate PFAS, or even help farmers relocate. 

Rural Vermont is involved to address some issues around PFAS through our work on the management of food waste with a goal of keeping plastics, including PFAS, out of waste streams by holding agencies accountable to requiring source separation and advocating for a precautionary approach. We most recently submitted comments as part of the Protect Our Soil Coalition to the Agency of Natural Resources draft policy on the matter. Key aspect of our recommendations is to define appropriate uses of the organic output from depackaging facilities which cannot include the land application on agricultural fields or use as gardening soil. Due to the mechanical separation of packaging and organics through depackaging, we believe there’s a greater likelihood for outputs to contain high levels of contamination. Research is on the way and a study on microplastics and PFAS in food packaging and food waste is mandated to be reported on to the legislature January 2024. 

Attention: If you are a farmer or want your local farm to engage in community scale composting of food waste and want to work with the local community on getting clean loads and learning together about how to create valuable soil amendments, then VORS will interest you! The Vermont Organics and Recycling Summit (VORS) on May 2nd (1-2:30pm) will feature the first virtual presentation from the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets with a status update on rulemaking endeavors about on-farm composting of food scraps. Register now and learn more about what rules and best practices in composting food scraps on farms will apply. 

Read the 4/11 press release of Maine Congresswoman Pingree here.

Read the ANR draft policy for Source Separation of Food Residuals & Heavily Packaged Food here

Read the Protect Our Soils Coalitions comments to the ANR draft policy here

Register for the Vermont Organics Recycling Summit here

Budget Updates

Advocates that support the Land Access and Opportunity Board can sign-on here and share their testimonials. This advocacy aims to appropriate one-time funds to more sustainably fund important positions for the Board and to more effectively sustain the efforts to “support access to land, housing, opportunity and enterprise for individuals, families, and cooperatives from historically marginalized and disadvantaged Communities” and to “structure its investments [...] to build a future of food and land sovereignty.” Before crossover, the LAOB had requested the House to include their request for $4.8M in the budget to more sustainably fund their important work but they got sent over to the Senate with their baseline funding of $1.2M for the next year only.  

Secretary Tebbetts and the Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets shepherd a juicy $14M package of appropriations proposed by the Governor to support working lands investment needs, with a focus on getting from $5 to 10M for meat and poultry, maple and produce sectors and increasing the Working Lands Program to $4M from the total $2M that were included in the House (correction from 3/27 update - there were 1M in one-time funds in addition to 1M in baseline funding included in the budget as passed by the House). Check-out this great overview about the planned Future of Agriculture Economic Development Grant Program and the impacts of the Working Lands Program. Especially the Working Lands funding has traditionally been oversubscribed and in great demand, so that the Secretary addressed the issue in a letter to the chairs of the Senate Agriculture and Appropriation committees as follows: “Without the ability to invest the requested appropriation in Vermont businesses, fewer working lands entrepreneurs will be equipped to grow their food, farming, forestry, or wood manufacturing ventures, and our working lands and rural communities will bear the consequences.[...]. The Governor’s proposed investments are critical to preserving our heritage and maintaining and growing a strong local food system. I understand the challenge of managing competing priorities, but respectfully ask you to consider the relative importance of Vermont agriculture and our working lands businesses, and to please restore the requested appropriations so we may help these diligent Vermonters shape our shared future.”

Rural Vermontcannabis, Dairy
Legislative Update - Crossover Report 03.27.23

What is Crossover? Crossover literally describes a deadline, this year it was March 17th, by which a bill needs to pass through one chamber of the legislature to “cross over” to the other to have a chance to make it through the entire legislative process in the same year. That means two things: 1. That bill will have gone through three readings! 2. There’s an effort made and likelihood to pass these bills the same year. 

Three readings start with the bill introduction and referral to the committee of jurisdiction - first reading. In committee the bill subject is being discussed in hearings with various stakeholders. After editing the bill, often in multiple drafts with the help of legislative council, the committee will vote on the bill. If the bill is moved in favor it may be referred to another committee. Especially when there’s money involved, the appropriations committee will make recommendations on appropriating money from the State Treasury and the Ways and Means committee will make recommendations on measures to secure the revenue of the State. During the “second reading“ it's often those committees who present their recommendations through amendments to the version of the committee of origin to the “floor,” meaning all members of a chamber. After another day to digest the possibly amended version of the bill, a third reading gives the final yay or nay by the respective chamber. A bill is called “dead” when it didn’t move in favor, didn’t make crossover or didn’t pass in a session. A bill is not really “dead” oftentimes, for example: since the legislature meets in biennial sessions, technically bills can pass within two years when they are introduced in the first year. Also, often bills are part of national campaigns and are being reintroduced session after session. As such, the ag committees have been working (again) this year on the right-to-farm bill and the right-to-repair bill. In our “crossover” legislative update we focus on those bills that have been moving and relate to agriculture. We’ve included a couple updates on stranded efforts as well which are not comprehensive. 

We celebrate the good chance for the passage of H.205, which would establish a new Small Farmer Diversification and Transition Program. While this new funding will be important, it will ultimately only benefit about 25 farms - more systemic change in the programmatic landscape is needed to service thousands of farms that are bleeding in this economy.


Summary: Rural Vermont continues to work with other member based organizations of the VT Cannabis Equity Coalition (NOFA VT, VT Racial Justice Alliance, Vermont Growers’ Association, and the Green Mtn. Patients’ Alliance) to advance our goals related to a racially just, economically equitable, and agriculturally accessible cannabis economy in Vermont. There are multiple bills related to the regulated adult-use and medical cannabis market in VT this legislative session, we are currently most focused on 3 bills: H.270, H.426, S.127.  

Latest Change: H.270, miscellaneous cannabis bill, was voted out of the House on 3/28 with minor revisions.  On March 15th (beginning minute 38) a farmer / cultivator and members of our coalition were provided a short window in House Government Operations to speak to things currently in the bill - in particular the medical components and the propagation license.  It will be taken up by the Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs on Thursday the 30th, this week. This bill is largely informed and led by the Cannabis Control Board (CCB), and is likely seen as “must pass” by the Board and some members of the legislature.  It is also a potential vehicle for our coalition’s proposals - our coalition and members have been told so by members of the CCB - despite pressure we face to limit our testimony which we reference here.  The most recent significant changes to the bill include:

  • Replacing the $10k gross income cap on the Tier 1 manufacturing license with a $50k cap.  This is not as high a cap as we advocated for - but is an improvement and one of our priorities.

  • A “Cannabis Propagation Cultivator” license ($550) of 3500 sq feet of canopy with sales of live plants limited to licensed cultivators.  A license which addresses the sale and growing of seed and live plants is one of our priorities - but this license does not allow sales to the general public which is of significant importance to the people we have talked to with interest in being a nursery.

  • Particular regulations related to accessibility and confidentiality in disciplinary measures

Status: H.270 passed the House 3/28; H. 426 and S.127 did not make crossover.

TAKE ACTION!  Policymakers in the Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs in particular will need to hear from community members and stakeholders pressing them to take action this session on our priorities by including them in H.270 and by inviting impacted community members and advocacy organizations into the committee to represent themselves.  Your voice makes a difference to policymakers!  Actively harming farms’ and small businesses’ viability and accessibility right now is the lack of inclusion in H.270 of an improvement and extension of the exemptions provided to Tier 1 Outdoor Cultivators in Act 158 to all Tiers and types of Outdoor Cultivation license. These exemptions allow this scale of cultivation to be treated in the same manner as farming when it comes to development, municipal regulation, taxation and current use status.  Contact for more information.

More Info: see the 2/28/23 Legislative Update for a more comprehensive list of what’s in H.270

H.205 - An Act Relating to Establishing the Small Farmer Diversification and Transition Program

Summary:  This bill would create the new “Small Farm Diversification and Transition Program” within the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets. Grants would be used for (1) farm diversification, (2) transitioning farm type, (3) on-farm processing, or (4) add on-farm accessory businesses. Grants would be capped at 15K. In early discussions in the House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency and Forestry, when former dairy farmer Rodney Graham first mentioned this idea, he named closing dairy farms as the motivation behind the bill that aims for easy access to grants that would help small farms specifically. Evaluation for grant applications will consider the potential to increase revenue for farmers. 

RV comment: This new funding will be important. Unfortunately, its scope will ultimately only benefit about 25 farms and more systemic change in the programmatic landscape is needed to service thousands of farms that are bleeding in this economy.

Latest Change: The House Committee on Appropriations is suggesting to increase the funding amount from $250K to $350K and for the Working Lands Enterprise Board to administer the program.

Status: House is coming back for third reading 3/29 at 1pm

More Info: on the bill website here; see also bill as considered by the House here (p. 27)

H.126 - An Act Relating to Community Resilience and Biodiversity Protection

Summary: This bill aims to mandate conservation goals for Vermont in alignment with federal and international “30 by 30” initiatives: to conserve 30% of Vermont by 2030, and 50% by 2050. Get more background info about this bill in our Legislative Update from 2.28.23 here.

Latest Change: Passed the House with an amendment from the House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency, and Forestry that seeks to pair land access and keeping the working lands open with conservation goals by:

  1. Inclusion of the Vermont Forest Future Strategic Roadmap in the findings.

  2. Inclusion of a review of the conservation categories in the conservation plan that will be mandated to be developed by the Secretary of Natural Resources by December 31, 2024; and 

  3. for the conservation plan to inform a comprehensive strategy towards conserving agricultural land that would include recommendations to increase equitable access to protected and conserved lands and land-based enterprises as well as recommendations to increase funding in the working lands more broadly.

Status: Passed House 3/24 

More Info: on the bill website here. See the amendment of the House Committee on Agriculture, Food, and Markets in House Journal 03/23/23 p. 607 

H.472 - House Miscellaneous Agricultural Subjects

Summary: This bill makes many small technical changes to statutes related to agricultural fairs, meat processing, bees and apiaries, and agency regulation of nurseries and pests. Most of these changes are semantic or insignificant, but changes to apiary registration rules and the creation of a grant program for county fairs will be impactful. Below is a summary of the changes related to bees and apiaries – for a full summary of the bill, see the 3/13 Legislative Update.

Latest Change: No substantial changes have been made to the sections on bees and apiary regulations in the House miscellaneous ag bill since our 3/13 legislative update. Here’s a brief overview of those changes that stand out as being more impactful to beekeepers in the state: 

  • The annual report required by VAAFM will no longer need to include prospective changes to whether the location of an apiary will change in two weeks of report submission. It will now require reporting for bees, colonies and equipment that are just passing through the state.

  • Change to inspection of bees for sale: instead of requiring one summertime inspection, it would require inspection within 45 days prior to any sale. This will likely shift the inspection to a time just before the spring sales of bees, instead of in the annual cycle before the distribution of many hives. It also might require more inspections for those selling bees throughout the season.

  • Beekeepers near borders will likely need more import permits for moving apiaries in and out of state, see Section 14. Shall the bill pass the Senate as well, bees that are transported out of Vermont for less than 75 miles away for 30 days or less would require an import permit. Currently, those conditions are exempt from needing a permit. There is still no import permit required for bees just traveling through Vermont to another destination (though that information is now required on the annual report).

Status: Passed the House 3/28

More Info: Bill draft as passed by the House 3/28; track bill info

S.115 - Senate Miscellaneous Agricultural Subjects

Summary: It is still a new occurrence that the Senate launches their own “miscellaneous” agricultural bill, parallel to the House. S. 115 would clarify that VAAFM has the authority to quarantine dairy cows that are suspected of producing unsafe milk or other product; modernize requirements for labeling, sale and marketing of eggs; significantly increase the amount of penalties VAAFM may charge in enforcement actions and deals with the authority of municipalities for a farm’s stormwater management. Below is an update of the changes related to stormwater management – for a full summary of the bill, see the 3/13 Legislative Update.

Latest Change: The changes regarding stormwater regulation and water quality related to a municipalities authority to penalize stormwater management infractions. The  Senate’s draft bill version as recommended the Committee on Agriculture suggested that towns can manage stormwater, but only if “the municipality does not exceed [ANR’s] authority, maintains the exemptions in 10 V.S.A. § 1264(d)(1), and does not charge an operating fee related to exempt practices.” Goal was to ensure that towns cannot regulate or penalize farms in particular, which are exempt from storm water regulation. 

Many towns currently penalize farms for their stormwater management (which is based on impervious surfaces, which can be large for farms) and this change would protect those farms, leading to a decrease in revenue for some towns. For this reason, this change is contentious and still being debated. The Senate Committee on Finance is recommending an amendment to mandate a report on stormwater regulation and the potential impact of prohibiting municipalities from collecting fees from farms in accordance with RAPs. The suggested report would leave more discretion to the Commissioner of Environmental Conservation in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture. The Senate Finance amendment suggests that municipalities would no longer be able to assess a fee, rate, or other assessment to farms for stormwater runoff until the mandated report was submitted and the legislature had a chance to review the subject again during the 2024 legislative session. 

Status: Voted out of Senate Committee on Finance, Second reading ordered 3/29 at 1pm 

More Info: 

H.81 - Right to Repair

Summary: Reintroduced and granted a couple hearings was the right-to-repair bill, presented by a nationwide coalition as a recurring effort across 27 states. This bill raises the issue of a dealership of agricultural equipment having the right to computer parts and service materials needed to repair equipment. While Memorandums of Understandings in place with Dealerships have made improvements to farmers' right to repair according to the Farm Bureau, the bill aimed to advance the ability to buy parts and service materials (diagnostic tools etc.) to fix equipment DIY or through independent neighborhood mechanics. Opponents raised safety concerns and the fear of losing more dealerships for agricultural equipment. 

Status: this bill did not make crossover 

More Info: Proponents hearing 3/15, 10.45am HAG; Opponents hearing 3/16, 10am HAG

Summary: Right to Farm describes a farms’ protection from nuisance lawsuits when in compliance with existing regulations. 

Latest Change: See draft 4.1 here

Status: This bill had not been introduced yet, so the Committee on Agriculture considered this subject as a potential committee bill. A straw poll indicated opposition from Senator Campion; the committee did not take a vote on this bill in time for the crossover deadline. 

More Info: For a full summary of the bill, see the 3/13 Legislative Update.

H.368 - An Act Relating to Supporting New Farmers, Veteran Farmers, and Farmers who are Disadvantaged

Summary: The House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency, and Forestry members Heather Suprenant, Esme Cole and Josie Leavitt have been co-sponsoring this bill which charges the Vermont House and Conservation Board (VHCB) with supporting new, veteran, and disadvantaged farmers. The bill would expand VHCB’s formal duties to include “increasing financial and technical assistance” for those groups. There is no associated allocation or fund defined in the bill itself. The draft defines a disadvantaged farmer as someone “engaged in farming or proposing to engage in farming who is annually earning not more than the State median income level for the relevant household size.”

Latest Change: None

Status: The draft as introduced has not received updates or much discussion - this bill did not make the crossover deadline.

More Info: 

H. 165 - Universal School Meals

Summary: This bill extends the current COVID-reactive universal school meal policies by requiring all public schools in Vermont to make available school breakfast and lunch to all students at no charge in perpetuity. It also extends some support to public-tution students at some independent schools. The bill asks for $29M from the Education Fund to the Agency of Education for fiscal year 2024.

Latest Change:  After approval from Committees on Way and Means and Appropriations, a strike all amendment from the House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency and Forests included definitions of universal meal supplements for breakfast and lunch, now ordering funds for the program through the Education fund - without spelling out the exact appropriation in the bill itself. The new version also includes small language tweaks to the existing local foods incentive grant.

Status: Passed by House

More Info: 

AG Relevant Budget Items

LAOB Funding Request

Summary: The Land Access and Opportunity Board is proposing in its sunrise report a funding request for the FY2024 of 1.2M to continue its work, and it is also advocating for the use of one-time funding to appropriate 3.8M to fund their work in a more sustainable way over the next three years (for a total of $4.8 million).

Latest Change: Members of the Land Access and Opportunity Board and allies continue to provide additional testimonials in support of the appropriations request. Last week, LAOB members spoke to both agricultural committees during Small Farm Action Day 

Status: as of 3/27 the 1.2M funding request was included in the FY24 budget as a one-time appropriation from the General Fund

More Info: Watch Jess Laporte (LAOB, Rights and Democracy) testify to HAG here & Kirsten Murphy (LAOB) testify to SAG during Small Farm Action Day here

Organic Dairy Relief - New Draft

Summary: Organic dairy farms are in a crisis -  to help carry Vermont’s organic dairies through the year, NOFA-VT has asked the state to provide funding to farmers who were shipping organic milk in 2022 to compensate for nightmarish economic circumstances. Asking that farmers be paid $5 for every hundred pounds of milk they shipped, NOFA-VT originally estimated this would cost about $9.2 million dollars. This request was met with enthusiasm but the House Ag Committee, and now the Senate Ag Committee is working to move quickly but thoroughly with it. 

Latest Change: After working with the Agency of Ag and NOFA-VT, better data on quantities of organic milk shipped in 2022 (the basis for the payments) determined that paying $5 per hundredweight shipped in 2022 would actually cost about $6.9M dollars. 

Status: A new bill draft was released last week by the Senate Committee on Agriculture, that would make those funds available to farms that were shipping organic milk in 2022 (and that are still dairy farms). 

This bill is likely to move quickly!

More Info: new bill draft here; follow the bill in SAG here

Working Lands Enterprise Fund

Summary: Earlier this year, the Working Lands Enterprise Fund (WLEF) celebrated 10 years of supporting Vermont’s Farm and Forestry Businesses. In the past decade, over $13.6 million in funding have been awarded in grants through WLEF and leveraged $22.5 million in matching funds. Money invested in a total of 418 projects that generated over $55M in sales one year after completing their grant project. While forestry projects make up a third of all projects, dairy and meat processing projects were most prominent among agricultural ones, followed by grant awards in produce farms and value-added products. 

Latest Change: The FY24 budget suggests an annual base funding from $594,000 to $1,000,000. Notably, this increase is still a display of an underfunded program given that Governor Scott, who is conservative in spending, proposed an increase to $4 million in funding for the program in fiscal year 2024 (see press release here). 

Status: As of 3/24, budget FY24 includes 1M in one-time funds from the General Fund (see here)

More Info: Check out the full Impact Report or two-page summary report detailing the past 10 years of WLEF!

Conservation Districts

Summary: The Conservation District desired to increase their baseline funding to 3M this year and the past year and testified early on to both agricultural committees. Conservation Districts function as an important local liaison between local stakeholders and government programs available to them. They are historically underfunded and last year the legislature increased their baseline funding from over an additional $250,000 for a total base appropriation of to total $362,000. This year's funding request would support the 14 District Managers and their Boards of Supervisors, training, community outreach and education, equipment and facility upgrades and additional capacity development. 

Status: The FY24 Budget includes a one-time appropriation from the general fund over 1M for the Conservation Districts

More Info: 3M Baseline funding request here

Legislative Update 03.13.23

Note that this update is not a comprehensive list of all of the bills or work we are tracking.  This reflects movement on issues and bills since our last legislative update (02.28.23) which you can see here.


LAOB Sunrise Report & Legislative Asks

S.56 - Childcare

H.368 - An act relating to supporting new farmers, veteran farmers, and farmers who are disadvantaged

23-0138 - “Right to Farm” Update

Cannabis Update

Universal School Meals Update

23-0761 - House Miscellaneous Ag Bill

S.115 Senate Miscellaneous Ag Bill

LAOB Sunrise Report & Legislative Asks

In the last couple weeks of February, the Land Access and Opportunity Board (LAOB) released its Sunrise Report.  You can see a presentation about the report and board to the House Committee on General and Housing from February 28th, here.  As summarized on its website, “the Land Access and Opportunity Board was created under Section 22 of Act 182 of 2022 to engage with Vermont organizations working on housing equity and land access "to recommend new opportunities and improve access to woodlands, farmland, and land and home ownership for Vermonters from historically marginalized or disadvantaged communities who continue to face barriers to land and home ownership."”  It is an independent Board made up of BIPOC community leaders and is currently housed within the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB).  

Rural Vermont supports the recommendations of the report - as well as the organizing effort led by Seeding Power Vermont (the organization leading the original effort which led to the creation of the Board) to increase the requested appropriation of $1.2 million to fund the Board to continue its work for one year, to $4.8 million to fund the work of the Board for 4 years.

S.56 - Childcare

S.56 - Childcare: We recently co-facilitated a workshop / listening session about childcare in the agricultural community at the NOFA VT winter conference.  We did this alongside national childcare and ag researcher Florence Becot, and Suzanne Graham of Let’s Grow Kids (LGK) - and heard from approximately 20 people in the room about their experiences, challenges, and what they’d like to see change related to childcare in Vermont..

At the moment there is a piece of legislation, S.56, which proposes investing significantly more money into VT’s childcare sector.  We rely on local and national advocates and researchers, as well as our community members, to help inform us on the needs of our communities - Let’s Grow Kids! is one of those local resources.  Here’s a link to more information about the bill from Let’s Grow Kids - as well as a recent update from VT Digger.  This is also a list of improvements that Let’s Grow Kids is advocating for in relationship to the bill.  LGK anticipates S.56 will pass out of Senate Health & Welfare by the end of this week, and will go next to Senate Finance & Appropriations Committees for further deliberation; then to the Senate floor and on to the House by the end of March.

Please be in touch with if you would like to share your thoughts on this legislation, your interest in providing testimony on childcare, or simply to talk about your experiences with childcare in VT as a member of the agricultural community.

H.368 - An act relating to supporting new farmers, veteran farmers, and farmers who are disadvantaged

H.368: House Ag Committee members Heather Suprenaut, Esme Cole and Josie Leavitt are co-sponsoring this bill which charges the Vermont House and Conservation Board (VHCB) with supporting new, veteran, and disadvantaged farmers. The bill would expand VHCB’s formal duties to include “increasing financial and technical assistance” for those groups. There is no associated allocation or fund defined in the bill itself. 

The draft defines a disadvantaged farmer as someone “engaged in farming or proposing to engage in farming who is annually earning not more than the State median income level for the relevant household size.”

The draft was just introduced to committee on 2/24, so check back for updates or follow along on the statehouse website as conversation and testimony begin.

23-0138 - “Right to Farm” Update

23 - 0138: Each state’s “right to farm” law is a protection for farms against nuisance lawsuits. The idea is that farming can be smelly and loud, but that doesn’t mean anyone who moves near a town should be able to sue a farm that’s not harming anybody. Different state’s right to farm laws have different amounts of strictness, or protection for farmers.  Last year, Vermont’s right to farm  law had been worked on as well, which resulted in the successful expansion of the lists of activities that are now encompassed under the nuisance protection. This year, the Farm Bureau, the Vermont Dairy Producers Alliance and supporting farms have requested changes that expand protection for farms, including new, expanding, and transitioning farms.

It is indeed important to protect farms from unreasonable nuisance complaints and Rural Vermont believes the existing law is adequate, and that the suggested changes are potentially harmful.  Rural Vermont has received clear feedback from our national allies in the National Family Farm Coalition that many expanded “Right to Farm” laws have been used to effectively displace and disadvantage small farms, and to prevent communities from defending themselves and their lands and waters in states such as Missouri, North Carolina, and more.  

Importantly, the bill would remove an exemption which states that farms are not protected from lawsuit if “the activity has a substantial adverse effect on health, safety, or welfare, or has a noxious and significant interference with the use and enjoyment of the neighboring property.” (12 V.S.A. § 5753). The draft also removes language stating that the legal protection shall not “be construed to limit the authority of State or local boards of health to abate nuisances affecting the public health” (12 V.S.A. § 5753). This change also removes a requirement that the practice has been in place for at least a year, and potentially expands protections to practices like biogas digestion. By removing these clauses the new Right to Farm bill would make pressing charges against a farm much harder. 

This change requires an attempt at mediation between plaintiffs and farms before a legal action can be pursued, though this mediation would not extend the 1 year deadline for the plaintiff to file suit. And farms are, importantly, still required to be compliant with the state’s Required Agricultural Practices (RAPs) and Rule of Control of Pesticides, but the latest changes place the burden of proof of non compliance on the plaintiff themselves.

There are even more changes and details in this bill. For more info and up-to-date drafts and testimonies of the bill, you can follow it here.

Cannabis Update

S.71 and H.270:  An act relating to miscellaneous amendments to the adult-use and medical cannabis programs.

H.426:  An act relating to the creation of new types of cannabis establishment licenses and the provision of cannabis excise tax revenue to the Cannabis Business Development Fund, communities that have been disproportionately impacted by cannabis prohibition, and substance misuse treatment

One of the bills we worked to inform prior to the session - H.426 - is now numbered and on the wall in House Government Operations; and we anticipate its companion bill to emerge in Senate Government Operations soon.  We do not support all provisions of H.426 (such as the “social equity delivery license”), some ideas we have brought to the table are not reflected in the bill as we suggested they be authored (such as the direct sales allowances), and some ideas and language we brought were simply not included in the bill (such as scaled direct sales allowances for sales of immature plants and seeds by cultivators to the general public).

Our coalition colleague Geoffrey Pizzutillo of the Vermont Growers’ Association testified to the House Gov. Operations committee on H.270 on February 28th - during which he brought the committee through our coalition’s top 10 priorities and presenced H.426 on the committee’s wall (meaning it is waiting to be addressed by the committee). We have since been told by the Chair of the committee that he does not want to include new subjects in H.270 at this point so close to crossover - but he has also told us that he is committed to having more and broader testimony after crossover when other cannabis related bills come to this committee. For this reason, on Wednesday March 15th, our coalition will also have 2 medical advocates and stakeholders representing the Green Mtn Patients’ Alliance as well as two licensed cultivators providing testimony to the committee on H.270 focusing on the medical provisions as well as the “propagation license” (which currently only allows a propagator to sell immature plants to cultivators - and not to the general public or other licensees).

At this time and going forward, we will need support from the broader community in contacting your representatives, and members of the House and Senate Government Operations Committees, voicing your support for our coalition and its policy priorities.  We may be able to improve H.270 to some extent this week (in particular the medical and propagation aspects), and then in the Senate - but we are hoping that the other bill we worked on prior to the session will be numbered and taken up for discussion soon, such that we can have the opportunity to address more fundamental barriers and inequities in this newly regulated economy.

Universal School Meals Update

H.165 - An act relating to school food programs and universal school meals

Referred to Ways and Means

Rep. Erin Brady w/ Rep. Jana Brown, Rep. Esme Cole & Rep. Josie Leavitt

This bill extends the current COVID-reactive universal school meal policies by requiring all public schools in Vermont to make available school breakfast and lunch to all students at no charge in perpetuity. It also extends some support to public-tution students at some independent schools. The bill asks for $29M from the Education Fund to the Agency of Education for fiscal year 2024.

23-0761 - House Miscellaneous Ag Bill


Fair and Field Days Support

The first part of the House’s miscellaneous ag bill states support for Vermont’s various fairs and field days events, and seeks to support them with grant funding. It establishes a new grant program in the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (VAAFM) to fund the associations that host fairs and field days. The size of this fund is as yet unknown.

Meat Processing License Fees

There is a semantic change from “meat cutting operations” to “meat processing operations” in existing statutes that determine things like vendor fees collected by VAAFM.

Livestock Brands

There is a set of laws in the current statute that determines the rules and regulations around branding livestock - it determines the rules for registering unique brands, etc. This change repeals and removes that chapter of the law because the practice is extinct.

Bees & Apiaries 

There are many existing laws that require the registration, reporting and potential inspection of beehives in the state in order to decrease harm done by pests and diseases. There are many proposed changes to that statute (6 V.S.A. § 3023), most of which are small and semantical, but some of which will impact anyone in the state with bees, be they a small backyard colony or a large honey business.

The annual report required by VAAFM will no longer need to include whether the location of an apiary will change into two weeks of report submission. But it now requires reporting for bees that are just passing through the state as well (colonies and equipment that started outside of Vermont and are designed for another place outside of Vermont).

There is also a change in the cadence of inspections for those selling bees: instead of requiring one summertime inspection, it would require inspection within 45 days prior to any sale. This likely shifts the inspection time to just before the springtime sale of bees, instead of in the annual cycle before the distribution of many hives. It also might require more inspections for those selling bees throughout the season.

There are currently rules requiring a permit to import bees. Three of the exceptions to this rule are proposed to be removed, which would require more import permits. Those exceptions which would no longer be considered exceptions to having to file an import permit are for bees that are  transported out of Vermont for less than 75 miles away for 30 days or less. With this bill, an import permit would be required even if those conditions are met. There is still no import permit required for bees just traveling through Vermont to another destination (though that information is now required on the annual report).

Soil Amendments

The definition of “soil amendments” is being expanded to include additives to hydroponic (soil-less) systems, which will expand VAAFM authority for that type of growing.

Nurseries & Pest Survey and Detection 

The state and VAAFM’s definition of “nursery dealer” is proposed to be expanded to those who install (plant) nursery stock for commercial gain (in addition to those who sell or distribute for commercial gain). This supposedly would expand authority of nursery regulations (6 V.S.A. § Chapter 206) to folks like gardeners and landscapers who are paid to plant trees, shrubs or almost anything plant-y other than seeds.

This also tweaks the procedure for when VAAFM orders for plants to be destroyed in a way that will apparently have little impact.

Lastly, there is a proposed chance to remove a clause about compensation for destruction, removing the agency's responsibility to reimburse for trees or plants that are ordered to be destroyed due to infestation.

S.115 Senate Miscellaneous Ag Bill


Dairy Quarantine

The change expands the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets’ (VAAFM) ability to quarantine livestock  to include dairy cows suspected of producing contaminated or unsafe milk. This was written with potential contamination from drugs and antibiotics in mind.

Eggs Law Update

Most of the the state’s egg laws haven’t been updated since 1973, and these changes would “modernize” them, bringing egg laws on par with many other food regulation statutes. This includes disallowing the sale or donation of adulterated eggs. “Modernization” also includes updating language about how penalties are handled by VAAFM with farmers, but that language change should have little impact on farmers or hen raisers. 

The proposed changes also raise the maximum penalties that VAAFM might assess for violations. It has been over 30 years since the original maximums were changed, and these changes largely restate the maximums given the decades of inflation since.

VAAFM Enforcement

This bill would increase the maximum penalty that VAAFM can assess for a violation from $1k to $5k, and increases the total maximum fees for recurring and multiple violations from $25k to $50k.

Water Quality

These changes slightly curtail municipal authority to penalize stormwater management infractions. It adds that towns can manage stormwater, but only if “the municipality does not exceed [ANR’s] authority, maintains the exemptions in 10 V.S.A. § 1264(d)(1), and does not charge an operating fee related to exempt practices.” This makes sure that towns cannot regulate or penalize farms in particular, which are exempt from storm water regulation. Many towns currently penalize farms for their stormwater management (which is based on impervious surfaces, which can be large for farms) and this change would protect those farms, leading to a decrease in revenue for some towns.

NFFC Dairy Platform and Letter to Congress

The National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC) organized a broad coalition of over 90 organizations (including Rural VT) who sent a letter to Congress calling for sweeping reforms to the US dairy industry based on ensuring a just price to farmers, supply management, and increased competition. Alongside the letter, the NFFC released its new Milk from Family Dairies Act (MFDA), based on these principles.  From here, the real work begins of pushing Congress to advance the policy debate on dairy ahead of the upcoming Farm Bill negotiations in 2022.

Rural VermontDairy, dairy