10:00 AM10:00

4/5 Cannabis: A Pre-Season Planning and Preparation Workshop for the Outdoor Season

Set yourself up for a successful outdoor 2025 season! Join Vermont Growers Association, Rural Vermont, and Ben Wilcox of Off Piste Farm, a licensed Tier 1 Outdoor Cultivator, in the Northeast Kingdom on Saturday, April 5th from 10am - 1pm for a cannabis pre-season planning and prep workshop. Founded in 2015 in the NEK, Ben is committed to growing high-quality, sun-grown cannabis. Off Piste’s mission is to grow and produce the highest quality products possible, with as little negative impact on the environment and ecosystem as possible, while supporting the local economy as much as possible.  Off Piste uses locally sourced organic inputs and materials, works with other small, independent, locally owned businesses as much as possible, and uses off-grid solar power to generate their own electricity.

Please join us for a 3-hour workshop covering the essentials of at-scale pre-season planning and preparation for the outdoor season. This workshop will cover:

  • Taking plant starts and soil blocks

  • Potting and transplanting

  • Root health and thinning plants

  • Frost and mold prevention and finishing time 

  • Compliance and recordkeeping

Rural Vermont and VGA will provide key legislative and policy updates from the statehouse and be available to answer questions throughout the workshop.

TICKET PRICE: $20 - $40 (Sliding Scale)

*Participants must be 21 years of age or older.
Address will be given to registered attendees prior to the workshop.
*Light snacks provided.
*Please bring a water bottle and please dress comfortably for the weather. This is a 3-hour outdoor workshop. Please keep this in mind when dressing/preparing for the day!

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4/12 Tree Digging Work Brigade at Sharon Food Justice Garden
10:00 AM10:00

4/12 Tree Digging Work Brigade at Sharon Food Justice Garden

Food Justice Garden, Sharon, VT
Rain or Shine
Lunch, Tools, & Education Provided
RSVP required for planning purposes

We hope you can join us! Work brigades are a popular education tool used around the world to strengthen communities and build trust and solidarity through collective labor, connection, mutual aid, and knowledge sharing. Agroecological education will be provided by special guest Buzz Ferver, founder/owner of Perfect Circle Farm in Berlin VT and a long time naturalist who has been growing and propagating trees for over 45 years. Come learn about the Vermont People’s Agroecology School, the Sharon Food Justice Garden, and agroecology as a social, political, and ecological movement building tools to grow community resilience and food sovereignty.     

We will be digging a variety of nursery trees to help create space to grow more annual vegetables for the food pantries and community refrigerators around Sharon and South Royalton. Some of the trees will be sold through the WRNRCD annual tree sale, some will be planted to support riparian areas impacted by recent floods and some will support starting a nursery for the People’s Agroecology School. 

This work brigade is co-hosted by the People’s Agroecology School of Vermont of Rural Vermont, the Regeneration Corps and the White River Natural Resources Conservation District’s Farm Force.  Lunch will be provided by Moon & Stars

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8:00 AM08:00

4/23 Small Farm Action Day

Each year, Rural Vermont invites our farmer members and ally organizations to learn about and engage in the legislative process, advocacy, and pending policy during the legislative session. This event series offers farmers and the agrarian community at large - homesteaders, gardeners, (urban) farmers, medicine makers, and food activists alike - opportunities to speak with lawmakers, voice their real-life issues, and to empowerment from learning more about the legislative process. In 2025, we’ll be hosting two Small Farm Action Days at the Vermont State House in Montpelier:

 Wednesday, March 26th from 8am to 12pm 

Wednesday, April 23rd 8am to 12pm

Join us for one event or both! These half-day events are designed for those who are curious to learn more about navigating and influencing the legislative process, as well as to gain access to members of the agricultural committees. Attendees will build skills, connections, and experience to confidently and effectively advocate for the wants and needs of themselves and their communities.  Rural Vermont will offer a virtual advocacy training before March 26th for those who are interested. If you plan to testify on March 26 or April 23, it is highly recommended you attend the pre-SFAD virtual training (attending the training is not required).



8:00am - Welcome & Introductions in the Statehouse Lobby

9:00am - 10:00am House Ag Committee 

10:30am - 11:30am Senate Ag Committee

11:30am - 1:00pm Meet and Greet with your Legislator and Join Rural Vermont staff
in the Statehouse cafeteria for lunch and discussion

We will begin with a brief orientation in the statehouse lobby where we will give time for introductions and to reach out to your legislators through the State House’s Page messaging system. Afterwards, we will visit the Senate and House Agriculture Committees where participants of our group will have a chance to  testify on pending legislation and to express needs and issues they face that may not be reflected in legislation yet.  After we visit both committees, your local Senator or Legislator might be interested to meet with you for lunch in the statehouse cafeteria! Alternatively, you are welcome to join Rural Vermont staff for lunch. 

We encourage you to sign up for the virtual advocacy training (signup in our registration form) and/or visit our activist toolkit (link below) before your participation in Small Farm Action Day on March 26th or April 23rd. For those interested, show up in solidarity and follow live on YouTube to hear what your peers bring to legislators attention that day! Hope you all may join us for Small Farm Action Day in 2025 - registration required!

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10:00 AM10:00

4/27 Farmer Wellness & Appreciation Event

Dance/movement class (Intro to Nia! Info below), massage therapy sessions, community acupuncture, and herbalist consultations and formulations, all FREE for farmers!  Take a break from the spring chaos and come build community and get pampered! Childcare, lunch, and community connection space provided.


10:00am - 11:30am: Introduction to Nia workshop with Jane Mann. Please arrive by 10am for a 10:15 sharp start time. 

Nia is a sensory based movement workshop that draws on dance arts, healing arts, and martial arts to sooth, energize, and empower body and soul. Nia is fun, highly accessible, and can easily be modified to fit a wide range of ages and abilities. There is capacity for more people to participate in this section of the day than in the "wellness stations". Come one, come all!

11:30am - 2:00pm: Wellness Stations (includes massage therapy, acupuncture, and herbal consultations & formulation)

30-minute slots for herbal consultations with Clinical Herbalist Lizzie Golden
15-minute massage therapy sessions with Steen Croitoru, CMT
Community acupuncture with Hadley Clark, L.Ac. 

*There will be a shared meal and community space to relax, rejuvenate, and connect with local farmers during downtime between sessions.

Please note: this event is for working farmers to show gratitude and appreciation for the people who feed our communities, and to honor the tremendous physical and emotional effort that it takes to do so. Space is very limited and we expect this event to fill up with a waitlist. Practitioners are paid through Rural Vermont so farmers can access wellness services for free. Registration required, lots of info about the event, what to bring, and practitioner information here.

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8:00 AM08:00

3/26 Small Farm Action Day

Each year, Rural Vermont invites our farmer members and ally organizations to learn about and engage in the legislative process, advocacy, and pending policy during the legislative session. This event series offers farmers and the agrarian community at large - homesteaders, gardeners, (urban) farmers, medicine makers, and food activists alike - opportunities to speak with lawmakers, voice their real-life issues, and to empowerment from learning more about the legislative process. In 2025, we’ll be hosting two Small Farm Action Days at the Vermont State House in Montpelier:

 Wednesday, March 26th from 8am to 12pm 

Wednesday, April 23rd 8am to 12pm

Join us for one event or both! This year’s half-day events are designed for those who are interested in testifying in front of the House Ag or Senate Ag committees. Attendees will build skills, connections, and experience to confidently and effectively advocate for the wants and needs of themselves and their communities.  Rural Vermont is not going to be prescriptive on what you are going to testify on. Small Farm Action Day is an open-ended invitation to farm(work)ers to speak to the issues that affect them directly. You can read or listen to our Legislative Update to get an idea about what agricultural issues are currently subject to pending legislation. We welcome you to speak to your own opinion and to bring other issues to the event that are not subject to any legislation as well. Rural Vermont will offer a virtual advocacy training before March 26th for those who are interested. If you plan to testify on March 26 or April 23, it is highly recommended you attend the pre-SFAD virtual training (attending the training is not required).



8:00am - Welcome & Introductions in the Statehouse Lobby

9:00am - 10:00am House Ag Committee 

10:30am - 11:30am Senate Ag Committee

11:30am - 1:00pm Meet and Greet with your Legislator and Join Rural Vermont staff
in the Statehouse cafeteria for lunch and discussion

We will begin with a brief orientation in the statehouse lobby where we will give time for introductions and to reach out to your legislators through the State House’s Page messaging system. Afterwards, we will visit the Senate and House Agriculture Committees where participants of our group will have a chance to  testify on pending legislation and to express needs and issues they face that may not be reflected in legislation yet.  After we visit both committees, your local Senator or Legislator might be interested to meet with you for lunch in the statehouse cafeteria! Alternatively, you are welcome to join Rural Vermont staff for lunch. 

We encourage you to sign up for the virtual advocacy training (signup in our registration form) and/or visit our activist toolkit (link below) before your participation in Small Farm Action Day on March 26th or April 23rd. For those interested, show up in solidarity and follow live on YouTube to hear what your peers bring to legislators attention that day! Hope you all may join us for Small Farm Action Day in 2025 - registration required!

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6:00 PM18:00

3/25 Virtual Advocacy Training

Rural Vermont is hosting a virtual citizen advocacy training for folks who are interested in learning about the legislative process and how to navigate it. We will walk through our Activist Toolkit and cover additional topics that may surface during our training. There will be a Q & A following the presentation.

Virtual Advocacy Trainings
Tuesday, March 25th 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Tuesday, April 22nd 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Join us if you’re interested in learning about any of these topics:

-How laws are enacted

-Navigating the legislature's website

-Legislative lingo

-Talking 1:1 with legislators

-Testifying/Committee Room Etiquette

-Tips for delivering compelling and effective testimony in committee

Folks have the option to attend Small Farm Action Day on March 26th (or April 23rd) to use what they’ve learned to provide testimony. It isn’t required to come to Small Farm Action Day to participate in the virtual training.

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2:15 PM14:15

Farm to Plate Session: Crafting Policies that Facilitate Land Access for Farmers

Join us at the 14th annual Farm to Plate Conference Wednesday, November 20th at the Killington Gran Resort from 2:15p - 3:45p for a special workshop facilitated by Rural Vermont’s Legislative Director, Caroline Sherman-Gordon and co-led by Rural Vermont’s Policy Director, Graham Unangst-Rufenacht. This interactive session is designed to explore policy ideas that would facilitate land access for farmers and make farmland more affordable, without corporate or institutional domination. In this brainstorming session, attendees will receive prompts about what’s at stake when farmers can’t afford farmland. After a breakout session, the whole group will capture and discuss policy ideas that could change the trajectory of farmland conservation, land use planning, farm succession and shared leadership models.

Lead Facilitator: Caroline Sherman-Gordon, Legislative Director, Rural Vermont

Co-Facilitators: Grace Oedel, Executive Director, NOFA-VT; Nikki Lennart, Farm Business Specialist, Intervale Center; Jean Hamilton, Director of Program Development, Land Access and Opportunity Board; Graham Unangst-Rufenacht, Policy Director, Rural Vermont; Samantha Langevin, Director of Partnerships & Community, VT Releaf Collective

2024 Farm to Plate Conference
Killington Grand Resort
Wednesday, Nov. 20th & Thursday, Nov. 21st

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10:00 AM10:00

11/17 Lamb Slaughter Workshop at Shepherd Moon Farm

Come join Rural Vermont and Mary Lake on Sunday, November 17th at Shepherd Moon Farm in Corinth for a lamb on-farm slaughter and processing workshop. In the first half of this 2-part workshop, participants will learn how to humanely slaughter a lamb. In the second half of the workshop, participants will learn how to efficiently butcher and process a lamb.

The workshop will be hosted by Dani Grover and Eva Westheimer of Shepherd Moon Farm. Shepherd Moon Farm is a newly created sheep farm with plans to start milking and making cheese next season. Dani Grover and Eva Westheimer started the farm and moved to Corinth in 2022 with plans to co-locate production alongside respite for folks engaged in social movement and organizing work. 

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11:00 AM11:00

11/10 Pig On-Farm Slaughter & Processing Workshop

  • Merck Forest and Farmland Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join Rural Vermont and Merck Forest and Farmland Center in Rupert, Vermont on Saturday, November 10 for a pig slaughter and processing workshop.

In the first half of this 2-part workshop, participants will learn how to humanely slaughter, gut, skin, and quarter a whole pig. The 2nd half of the workshop will feature instruction on how to efficiently butcher and process various pork cuts.

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5:30 PM17:30

11/7 Vermont Wild Kitchen with Burdock & Turkey!

Join the Vermont Wild Kitchen for an evening of good food, people, and discussion! We'll explore, cook, and eat burdock root, which can be foraged throughout Vermont. One of our guest chefs will be Chrys Tsang and they will cook kinpira gobo with burdock root. Our other guest chefs Ari Lattanzi and Matt Bull from Make Do Farm will walk us through prepping and cooking turkey, which many folks are raising and hunting this time of year. The event will be held from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM at the BLM House in South Royalton. Free but registration required and limited capacity.

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4:00 PM16:00

11/7 Benefit Bake for Rural Vermont!

Join Rural Vermont for one of our favorite annual traditions! Our friends at American Flatbread / Burlington Hearth will be donating a portion of all dine-in and take-out flatbread sales to Rural Vermont. Gather up a crew and head to Burlington! While there, stop by the Rural Vermont table to say hello, snag a sticker, catch up on ag policy, and make some art with us!

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11:30 AM11:30

11/3 Turkey Processing Workshop

Please join us at Union Brook Farm for a turkey processing workshop on Sunday, November 3 from 11:30am - 3:30pm!

Emily Virzi and Rose Thackeray will teach participants the basics of raising, slaughtering, and processing turkeys. Participants get to take home 2-3# of ground turkey!

At this slaughter and processing workshop, participants will learn how to slaughter, butcher and process turkey in a way to get the best results for a succulent bird. Wings, breasts and thighs all need different temperatures and times to cook. Cooking the whole bird makes for dry breasts, burnt wings tips, and everyone fighting over the dark meat. Buy whole turkeys directly from farmers and learn how to cook the bird in the way that makes the best meal at this workshop!

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9:30 AM09:30

11/3 Work Brigade @ Tup's Crossing

Join Rural Vermont, the People’s Agroecology School and ACORN Vermont on Sunday, November 3 from 9:30am - 3pm* at Tup’s Crossing Farm, 66 Young Rd, Orwell, VT for a pasture reclamation work brigade! We will be trimming back and wrapping shade trees in an 8 acre parcel to increase grazing opportunities for a herd of dairy goats. No previous skills necessary.

Work brigades are a popular education tool used around the world to strengthen communities, build trust and solidarity through collective labor, connection, mutual aid, and knowledge sharing.  Lunch, refreshments, education and tools provided. RSVP required for planning purposes. 

Vermont’s ability to feed itself relies on thriving community scale farms working together towards food sovereignty and community resilience. We hope you can join us! 

Please rsvp HERE.

*We may finish before 3pm depending on numbers. It’s okay if you can’t stay for the whole time, but we encourage you to come at the beginning!

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10:00 AM10:00

10/26 Rabbit Butchering Workshop

Are you interested in increasing your or your community’s sustainability, climate resilience, and food access? Rabbit meat is among the most sustainable proteins you can consume, using far less resources and definitely less work than most other livestock. And, yes, it really does taste like chicken... buttery, lean chicken!

Join Rural Vermont and Giant Journey Farm in Newfane on Saturday, October 26th from 10:00-1:00 to learn about raising and processing the other other white meat! The workshop will be led by farm owners Seren and Rick on their quirky 2 acre regenerative farm where they teach folks about farming while they grow year-round produce, and raise poultry, rabbits, and goats. 

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1:00 PM13:00

9/29 Chicken Processing Workshop

Please join us at Union Brook Farm in Northfield for a chicken processing workshop on Sunday, September 29 from 1:00pm - 4:00pm!

Emily Virzi and Rose Thackeray will teach participants the basics of raising, slaughtering, and processing meat chickens. Participants get to take home one whole delicious meat bird! If there is time and interest, Em & Rose will lead us through instruction for the cutting/parting of whole birds. Limited capacity, register now! Registration fee is $70.

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10:00 AM10:00

9/28 Cannabis Late Season Techniques and Harvest Preparation Workshop

Rural Vermont and Vermont Growers Association are excited to present our 4th cannabis workshop collaboration at Tilia Hills! Tilia Hills is a small, diversified farm licensed as a Tier 1 Outdoor Cultivator, located in Franklin County and operated by husband and wife team Ethan Kramer and Kristin Wolford. Ethan and Kristin welcome us to their gorgeous outdoor cannabis operation, where we will discuss at-scale late season field and flower maintenance, ripening stages, harvest preparation, and much more.

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5:30 PM17:30

8/22 Chicken Barbeque & Quarterly Member Forum

Join Rural Vermont for a chicken barbeque at our Quarterly Member Forum on Thursday, August 22nd from 5:30-8pm at Four Springs Farm in Royalton. We’ll celebrate the passage of the parted poultry bill with a grilled chicken potluck picnic, art stations, and summer fun! Free for Rural Vermont members and $10-$15 for everyone else. UPDATE 8/18: This event is FULL and cannot accommodate walk-ins.

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10:00 AM10:00

8/17 Cull Ewe Slaughter & Processing Workshop

Come join Rural Vermont and Mary Lake on Saturday, August 17th at NewGrass Farmstead in Wolcott for an on-farm slaughter and processing workshop. This is an opportunity to learn about the need for culling as part of livestock management and the benefit of on-farm slaughter to ensure quality of the entirety of life for the old beloved livestock animals. In the first half of this 2-part workshop, participants will learn how to humanely slaughter a culled ewe. In the second half of the workshop, participants will learn how to efficiently butcher and process a ewe.

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to Jul 31

The Farmhouse Tap & Grill Fundraiser for Rural Vermont!

  • Farmhouse Tap & Grill (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For the entire month of July, Farmhouse Tap & Grill will be donating $1 to Rural Vermont for every burger served! So, save yourself an evening of cooking in a hot July kitchen and support Rural Vermont at the Farmhouse Tap & Grill! Big thanks to Farmhouse Tap & Grill for making Rural Vermont your July community partner!

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10:00 AM10:00

6/1 Rabbit Butchery Workshop @ G.I.V.E. A. Care Homestead

Are you interested in raising a highly sustainable (and very tasty!) protein on your farm, homestead, or backyard? Meat rabbits require less land, less water, and less energy to grow than most other livestock. 

They convert food and water into edible meat 1.4 times more efficiently than pigs and 4 times more efficiently than sheep and cattle....making them both highly efficient and sustainable and did we mention...delicious?

Join Rural Vermont and G.I.V.E. A. Care Homestead in Bakersfield on Saturday, June 1st from 10:00-1:00 to learn about raising and processing the other white meat! The workshop will be led by homestead owner, Erica Martel. Erica is a local high school science teacher with a passion for teaching sustainable living. Her family started homesteading 15 years ago with just a kiddie pool for growing tomatoes in the driveway of their apartment and has since moved into a beautiful property where slowly things have been moving more towards self-sufficient living. She and her family own G.I.V.E. A. Care Homestead in Bakersfield where Erica taps maple trees and raises rabbits, chickens, and ducks.

This is an interactive workshop that will take you from set-up, breeding, and care, to humane harvesting and packaging.

Rural Vermont will also present the updates to federal and state on-farm slaughter regulation, particularly around the proposed clarifying language being advocated for by Rural Vermont and its partners. There will be plenty of room for questions and discussion throughout the event.

Registration: $50/participant

Special Notes: Workshop address will be sent to registered participants in advance. Please BYO brown bag lunch and snacks. Please bring a water bottle. Please wear rugged footwear and weather-appropriate clothing. Rabbit meat and other farm products will be available for purchase.

A Note About Workshop Pricing & Registration:

Rural Vermont works alongside farm hosts, instructors, and other non-profits to bring a variety of workshops and peer-to-peer learning opportunities to our members and communities throughout Vermont.  Our ticket prices are built on the needs of the community, the needs of the farm hosts and instructors, and the structure of the workshop itself. We work hard to provide accessible, quality programming and to also pay fair compensation to our farm hosts, our instructors, and to cover the cost of managing and producing our workshops. As such, our ticket pricing varies from workshop to workshop and we strive to keep our pricing within a fair range. Thank you for participating and learning alongside us! 

-The Rural Vermont Team

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10:00 AM10:00

5/11 Cannabis: A Pre-Season Planning and Preparation Workshop for the Outdoor Season

Rural Vermont and Vermont Growers Association are excited to present their third cannabis workshop collaboration at Lukas Greene Cannabis in Charlotte with instruction by Guillermo Maldonado of Shindig & G’s Craft Cannabis!

Lukas Greene is a licensed Tier 3 Outdoor Cultivator that uses an innovative Dutch-style glasshouse and traditional high tunnels to cultivate cannabis and organic vegetables in the Champlain Lowlands. Shindig & G’s Craft Cannabis is a licensed Tier 3 Outdoor Cultivator in the Northeast Kingdom and the instructor for this workshop. Jesse Lukas and Malcolm Greene welcome us to their gorgeous cannabis operation, where we will discuss at-scale pre-season planning and preparation and growing techniques for outdoor cannabis cultivation.

Please join us for a 3-hour workshop covering the essentials of at-scale pre-season planning and preparation for the outdoor season. This workshop will cover:

  • Taking plant starts and soil blocks

  • Potting and transplanting

  • Root health and thinning plants

  • Frost and mold prevention and finishing time 

  • Compliance and recordkeeping

Rural Vermont and VGA will provide key legislative and policy updates from the statehouse and be available to answer questions throughout the workshop.

TICKET PRICE: $20 - $40 (Sliding Scale)


*Participants must be 21 years of age or older.

*Address will be given to registered attendees prior to the workshop.

*Light snacks provided.

*Please bring a water bottle and please dress comfortably for the weather. This is a 3-hour outdoor workshop. Please keep this in mind when dressing/preparing for the day!

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9:00 AM09:00

5/3 Work Brigade at Foote Brook Farm

Registration has closed for this event.
Please email mollie@ruralvermont.org if you are interested in attending.

Join us Friday, May 3rd, from 9am - 3pm* at Foote Brook Farm, 641 VT-15 W, in Johnson, VT for a tree planting work brigade! We will be transitioning riverbank farmland impacted by the 2023 flooding into a riparian buffer zone to increase climate resiliency and adaptation on the farm. Work brigades are a popular education tool used around the world to strengthen communities, build trust and solidarity through collective labor, connection, mutual aid, and knowledge sharing. This is the first in a series of agricultural brigades hosted by the Vermont Agroecology School Collective (an independent project of Rural Vermont).  Lunch, refreshments, agroecological education and tools provided. RSVP required for planning purposes. 

Vermont’s ability to feed itself relies on thriving community scale farms working together towards food sovereignty and community resilience. We hope you can join us! 

*We may finish before 3pm depending on numbers. It’s okay if you can’t stay for the whole time.

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7:30 PM19:30

4/15 Film Screening - Stewards of the Land - Serán las dueñas de la tierra

Join us to screen the documentary, “Stewards of the Land - Serán las dueñas de la tierra,” as it follows three Puerto Rican farmers striving to produce healthy food amidst economic challenges and frequent hurricanes. 

When: Monday, April 15 2024, 7:30pm-10:00pm

Where: 101 Stafford Hall, 95 Carrigan Drive, Burlington VT 05405 or attend virtually from anywhere in Vermont

Synopsis: Before disaster hits, three Puerto Rican farmers give it all to grow food that is healthy for the people and the planet. Nothing can stop them. Almost.

Stephanie, Ian and Alfredo are landless ecological farmers striving to produce healthy food for local consumption in Puerto Rico. In this economically depressed US-territory -highly dependent on food imports and a frequent target for hurricanes– producing food locally is urgent. The documentary shows the protagonists’ grit as they attempt to carve a living without land ownership or capital.

Please RSVP

This film is sponsored by Rural Vermont and the Agroecology School Collective, an independent project of Rural Vermont.

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10:00 AM10:00

04/14 Vermont Wild Kitchen: Rabbit at Give a C.A.R.E. Farmstead in Bakersfield

The Vermont Wild Kitchen returns with another in-person program on Sunday, April 14th for a Franklin County event focused on rabbit: how to raise them, how to hunt them, and finally how to cook them! The day starts at Give a C.A.R.E Farmstead in Bakersfield and ends at East Fairfield Community Center. Free! THIS EVENT IS AT CAPACITY, BUT WE ARE KEEPING A WAIT LIST.

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6:00 PM18:00

4/11 Quarterly Member Forum


All Rural Vermont members are invited to join the Rural Vermont staff and Board for our next virtual forum. These Quarterly Forums are opportunities for our members to join our Policy team in a virtual forum to discuss particular issues which may be affecting your farm and / or community, and/ or that we are currently working on. Bring your questions, ideas, and concerns. We look forward to seeing you there!

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1:00 PM13:00

Farming While Black

Stay after the 1pm Saturday screening for a conversation with four of Vermont’s Black farmers.

Weaving the rich and troubled history of the Black American farming experience with the contemporary resurgence of the land sovereignty movement, this poignant and well-crafted documentary works not only as an informative exploration but also a touching testament to the resilience of Black farmers. Rooted in the picturesque landscapes of New York’s Hudson Valley, we follow Leah Penniman, co-founder of Soul Fire Farm, as she leads a movement of activists and change-makers fighting for environmental justice and building regenerative economies. Finding strength in the deep history of African agrarianism, the farmers in this film chart a new way forward, reclaiming personal dignity while building systems that just might save the world.

In addition to two in person screenings, FARMING WHILE BLACK will be offered as a free virtual screening during the 2024 Green Mountain Film Festival thanks to permission from the filmmakers and the sponsorship of All Brains Belong. After you “purchase” the rental, you will have 24 hours to watch the movie. The festival dates are March 14 – March 17, 2024. This rental is only offered during those days.

Rural Vermont is honored to SPONSOR
Farming While Black

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1:00 PM13:00

Farming While Black

Weaving the rich and troubled history of the Black American farming experience with the contemporary resurgence of the land sovereignty movement, this poignant and well-crafted documentary works not only as an informative exploration but also a touching testament to the resilience of Black farmers. Rooted in the picturesque landscapes of New York’s Hudson Valley, we follow Leah Penniman, co-founder of Soul Fire Farm, as she leads a movement of activists and change-makers fighting for environmental justice and building regenerative economies. Finding strength in the deep history of African agrarianism, the farmers in this film chart a new way forward, reclaiming personal dignity while building systems that just might save the world.

In addition to two in person screenings, FARMING WHILE BLACK will be offered as a free virtual screening during the 2024 Green Mountain Film Festival thanks to permission from the filmmakers and the sponsorship of All Brains Belong. After you “purchase” the rental, you will have 24 hours to watch the movie. The festival dates are March 14 – March 17, 2024. This rental is only offered during those days.

Rural Vermont is honored to sponsor
Farming While Black

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8:00 AM08:00

03/14 Small Farm Action Day

Over the past decade, Rural Vermont’s Small Farm Action Days have provided hundreds of agrarians with a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the Vermont legislative process. In 2024, we’ll be co-hosting Small Farm Action Day with NOFA-VT on Thursday, March 14th from 8am to 2:15pm at the Vermont State House in Montpelier. This full-day event is designed for those who are curious to learn more about navigating and influencing the legislative process, as well as gaining access to members of the agricultural committees. Attendees will gain skills, connections, and experience to confidently and effectively advocate for the wants and needs of themselves and their communities.

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6:00 PM18:00

1/31 Quarterly Member Forum


All Rural Vermont members are invited to join the Rural Vermont staff and Board for our next virtual forum. These Quarterly Forums are opportunities for our members to join our Policy team in a virtual forum to discuss particular issues which may be affecting your farm and / or community, and/ or that we are currently working on. Bring your questions, ideas, and concerns. We look forward to seeing you there!

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10:00 AM10:00

01.06.24 Overwintering & Post Season Cannabis Workshop

Rural Vermont and Vermont Growers Association are excited to present their second cannabis workshop collaboration at Old Growth Vermont in Danville with instruction by Fred Morin of Vermont Greenery! Old Growth Vermont is a licensed Tier 3 Outdoor Cultivator located in Danville and our farm hosts, Jesse and Shane, welcome us to their gorgeous cannabis operation. Vermont Greenery is a licensed Tier 1 Outdoor Cultivator, and the instructor for this workshop. Freddy is a passionate grower and breeder with a UVM Soil Extension and plant science background.

Please join us for a 3-hour workshop covering the essentials to overwintering cannabis plants, including propagation, seed saving, and more.

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6:00 PM18:00

12/7 Food & Climate Panel: Beyond Carbon Markets

Thursday, December 7th

6:00PM - 7:30PM via Zoom

Join NOFA-NH and Seacoast Permaculture for a panel discussion and Q&A that asks: if not carbon markets and other payment for ecosystem (PES) programs, then what would work to support farmers who responsibly care for our ecosystem while feeding people?  A previous panel addressed issues with current carbon market and PES programs and the challenges of trying to monetize carbon sequestration or best ecological farming practices.  In this program, we welcome back our panelists to look at the alternatives we know work and ones being proposed that hold promise to truly support healthy growing practices.  How we grow food has serious implications for the climate, biodiversity and human health.  We need to make changes now, whether on our own farms or by supporting growers as they shift practices.  There are solutions - let's talk about how to reach them!

Panel: Cat Buxton, Julie Davenson, Earl Hatley, Caroline Gordon, and Stephen Leslie

Learn more here…

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9:30 AM09:30

11/18 On-Farm Slaughter Workshop with Mary Lake @ Argyll Farm in Bennington

Come join Rural Vermont and Mary Lake on Saturday, Nov.18th at Argyll Farm in Bennington for an on-farm slaughter and processing workshop. In the first half of this 2-part workshop, participants will learn how to humanely slaughter a lamb and then how to efficiently butcher and process a lamb in the second half of the workshop. $70

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