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The world's longest occupation: Palestine

On Land Day, March 30th 2022, 7pm EST, Vermonters for Justice in Palestine will host a special presentation by Alison Weir:
"The world's longest occupation: Palestine"
The program will be equally divided between her talk and discussion.
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Land Day commemorates the events of March 30, 1976, when a general strike took place in response to the Israeli government's announcement of a plan to expropriate lands in the Galilee for official use. Protests took place throughout the Arab settlements in Israel, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and refugee camps for Palestinians in Lebanon. The riots were suppressed by the Israeli Defense Forces and Police. Six Arab citizens were killed, and about 100 were injured.

On Land Day, people commemorate those who have given their lives in the struggle to hold onto their land. Many Palestinian residents of Israel use it as an opportunity to express their political discontent and organize protests, general strikes, and demonstrations.
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Alison Weir is the founder and executive director of If Americans Knew, providing information on Israel, Palestine, and the US connection. Her interest in the issue began in early 2001 when she traveled alone throughout the West Bank and Gaza as a freelance journalist at the height of the Second Intifada.
She is the author of "Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel," which has sold almost 50,000 copies.