Solidarity with our Asian and Asian American Community Members
In the two weeks since our last email, we have witnessed horrifying attacks in Atlanta, Georgia and in Boulder, Colorado. Our hearts are with the communities of these people who have sadly and irrevocably been taken from their friends and families. May we all take a deep breath, close our eyes, and allow this grief and loss to touch us.
Violence and other forms of discrimination against the Asian and Asian American communities, violence against Asian women and women of color, and gun violence more broadly, are sadly deeply ingrained aspects of United States' history and remain frighteningly active and alive today. The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism reports that since the pandemic began, hate crimes were down 7% nationally but increased 150% against people in the Asian community. We can look back more than 160 years in the United States to see countless examples of the systemic racism faced by this community - from the 1854 People vs. Hall ruling (determining that people of Asian descent could not testify against a White person in court), to the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 (banning Chinese immigration for 20 years), to the Japanese Internment camps of WWII.
When particular communities in Vermont and in the United States do not feel safe, when particular communities in Vermont and the United States have faced - and continue to face - racism explicitly, implicitly, and systemically, all of our communities are threatened and violated. Deeply rooted and mingled with racism and white supremacy is rhetoric dividing communities by the construct of race, based on a false message and dog whistle of economic scarcity which works to convince white identifying people that the presence of people of color as equals is inherently threatening to their economic security. Progress and dignity for the Asian community, progress and dignity for the greater BIPOC community, is progress and dignity for all communities. Racial equity is not a threat to the white community - racial equity is a liberatory vision and liberatory work in intimate collaboration with economic equity which promises equal opportunity and respect for all people.
It is critical that we also recognize the ongoing efforts in Georgia and in other States across the US aimed at voter disenfranchisement as intimately related to the same ideologies of racism and white supremacy which inform violence and discrimination against the Asian community and communities of color - and that we recognize the right for all people to participate in the democratic process as a fundamental and non-partisan human right. As Rev. and Sen. Raphael Warnock recently said, “It is the job of each citizen to stand up for the voting rights of all citizens.” Expanding on this, we believe it is the job of all humans to stand up for the rights of others, regardless of status.
Fundamental to the word “agriculture” is “culture”. As members of the agricultural community, our efforts towards, and visions for, agricultural justice and equity must encompass our greater society and culture and center the communities who have faced, and continue to face, marginalization and discrimination. Our hearts are with our allies, friends, family and community members in the Asian community.
Local Efforts and Organizations:
Recent statement from APIDA for Black Lives
Did we miss an organization or group that should be on this list? Please let us know.