6/4 Action Alert! Neonics / H.706: Urge Your Representatives and Senators to Override the Governor’s Veto

Governor Scott vetoed H.706 - the legislation significantly limiting the use of and exposure to neonicotinoids.   In preparation for the veto override session on June 17th, we encourage you to reach out to your representatives to express your support for this bill.  This was a very popular bill in the statehouse and across Vermont, but we do not know if there are enough votes in the House and Senate to override the veto at this point.  If you are a farmer or farmworker, your voice is very important right now to help representatives understand that this bill is supported by many farmers and farming organizations despite narratives from Governor Scott and others that it is “anti-farmer”.  Rural VT and the Protect our Pollinators Coalition have developed this sign-on for farmers, farmworkers, and food professionals in particular to show your support for this bill - but please directly contact your legislators as well!

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Rural Vermont