Universal Primary Care Bill Introduced

A new House Bill was introduced by Brian Cina, the act relating to incremental implementation of Green Mountain Care: This bill proposes to:

  • implement Green Mountain Care, a publicly financed health care program for all Vermont residents, over time, starting with primary care in the first year, adding preventive dental and vision care in the second year, and incorporating additional health care services in later years,

  • establish the Universal Health Care Advisory Group at the Green Mountain Care Board to provide recommendations to the General Assembly regarding the sequencing of and financing for the health care services to be added in the third through tenth years of Green Mountain Care’s implementation,

  • express legislative intent regarding funding sources for Green Mountain Care,

  • prohibit health insurance plans and rates from reflecting duplication of the coverage provided by Green Mountain Care.

Rural Vermont supports this bill, and the full implementation of Act 48. Stay tuned for a bill number, and link to the language when it's available. For more info contact mollie@ruralvermont.org

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