Rural Vermont: Stick up for all farmers

In this piece published by the Barre-Montpelier Times Argus, RV Policy Director Graham Unangst-Rufenacht reflects on the struggles small- and medium-sized farmers share in and the need for systemic change, starting with relief for black farmers and passing the Relief for America’s Small Farmer’s Act.

We are fortunate in Vermont to have so many locally owned food co-ops, grocery stores, farm stands and farmers’ markets, which offer fresh produce, meats, milk, cheeses and more throughout the year. But at most supermarkets and convenience stores where the majority of people buy their food, where do you imagine their products come from? Do you picture small, local, independent farms and ranches? That might have been true decades ago, but today, a few powerful corporations dominate the food industry, making it extremely hard for smaller farms to compete…

Rural Vermont