Justice for Black Farmers Act and Disparity to Parity Webinar Series

Rural Vermont strongly supports the Justice For Black Farmers’ Act and condemns the judicial injunctions halting the implementation of the Emergency Relief for Farmers of Color Act and its distribution of $4 billion in debt relief to socially disadvantaged farmers who have been systematically discriminated against by the USDA for well over a century. Our national partner organization - the National Family Farm Coalition - has joined 25 organizations in signing onto an Amicus Brief to release the Wisconsin Order, and has offered this statement of support. Also check out their recent editorial about the debt relief for Black Farmers. For more information about the history of discrimination against small farmers in the US, and how BIPOC farmers and communities have been systemically and disproportionately impacted, check out the most recent episode in the Disparity to Parity webinar series.

Rural Vermont