Current Use Advisory Board Seeking Two Members


The Current Use Advisory Board, established in 32 V.S.A. § 3753, has two vacancies and the Governor's office is actively seeking interested applicants to serve in this critical role. The purpose of the Current Use or Use Value Appraisal Program is to encourage and assist the maintenance of Vermont's productive agricultural and forest land, prevent the accelerated conversion of these lands to more intensive use; to achieve more equitable taxation for undeveloped lands; to encourage and assist in the preservation and enhancement of Vermont's scenic natural resources; and to enable the citizens of Vermont to plan its orderly growth in the face of increasing development pressures in the interests of the public health, safety and welfare.

The Current Use Advisory Board set the Use Values for agricultural and forest land twice annually, with some subcommittee work off season possible. Members are reimbursed for time and mileage for participation in the meetings, which happen during working hours.

Membership of the Board must represent certain factions of Vermont taxpayers, and the two vacancies must be filled by 1) an individual from the private agriculture sector and 2) a selectboard member. To ensure a balance of representation, these members must not own enrolled land, and have no spouse, child, or parent who owns enrolled land.

Interested parties who meet these requirements should apply online at Application for Gubernatorial Appointment | Office of Governor Phil Scott (

For more information about the Current Use Program, visit Current Use | Department of Taxes (

The Current Use Advisory Board, established in 32 V.S.A. § 3753, has two vacancies and the Governor's office is actively seeking interested applicants to serve in this critical role. The purpose of the Current Use or Use Value Appraisal Program is to encourage and assist the maintenance of Vermont's productive agricultural and forest land, prevent the accelerated conversion of these lands to more intensive use; to achieve more equitable taxation for undeveloped lands; to encourage and assist in the preservation and enhancement of Vermont's scenic natural resources; and to enable the citizens of Vermont to plan its orderly growth in the face of increasing development pressures in the interests of the public health, safety and welfare.

The Current Use Advisory Board set the Use Values for agricultural and forest land twice annually, with some subcommittee work off season possible. Members are reimbursed for time and mileage for participation in the meetings, which happen during working hours.

Membership of the Board must represent certain factions of Vermont taxpayers, and the two vacancies must be filled by 1) an individual from the private agriculture sector and 2) a selectboard member. To ensure a balance of representation, these members must not own enrolled land, and have no spouse, child, or parent who owns enrolled land.

Interested parties who meet these requirements should apply online at Application for Gubernatorial Appointment | Office of Governor Phil Scott (

For more information about the Current Use Program, visit Current Use | Department of Taxes (

Rural Vermont