H. 420 Update - Senate Ag Supports Doubling On-Farm Slaughter Allowances

Senate Ag voted unanimously in favor of the amendment to H.420, the miscellaneous ag bill, that will double the allowances for on-farm slaughter (in 6 V.S.A. § 3311a): from 5 to 10 cattle, 15 to 30 pigs, 40 to 80 sheep and goats or a total combined live weight of 12,000 pounds. The committee also charged the legislative council to draft legislation that would effectively allow for CSA's with animal shares in consultation with the agency "and other interested parties." In consultation with legislative council Michael O'Grady, the committee learned last Friday (watch recording here) that their approach to clarify in statute the legality of animal shares for on-farm slaughter - including the shared ownership of a herd and the delivery of meat products - would conflict with the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Services interpretation of the legal barriers of the federal personal use exemption in 9 CFR § 303.1 (a) (1) (*Content warning: sexist language*). The agency of agriculture, food, and markets raised concern that FSIS's narrow interpretation of the law would impair Vermont's precious "equal to" status for state inspected meat as well as the interstate shipment agreement with the USDA (that allows for out of state sales of state inspected meat), shall the committee proceed with their allowance of animal shares within the on-farm slaughter practice.

While Rural Vermont will engage in finding a legislative solution for the CSA with animal shares for the 2022 legislative session - we will celebrate with H.420 the increase in allowances for on-farm slaughter and the sunset repeal that will secure this important decentralized direct-to-consumer pathway to local meat consumption.

For more information please contact caroline@ruralvermont.org

Rural Vermont