Many Ag Policy Issues Emerging in VT; Federal Resources and Concerns
Friday, March 14, 2025, marks the "crossover deadline" - the date by which bills with money attached need to be voted out of committee to have a chance to pass over to the other chamber in time and to pass into law this year. Bills without budget implications have another week, until March 21.
The newly composed House and Senate Committees on Agriculture have spent a significant amount of time this year getting acquainted with the food systems landscape, and less time working directly on legislation. There remains a broad array of complex agricultural legislation that has been introduced, including bills related to Clean Water Oversight, Farm Security Fund, Right to Farm, Right to Repair, Rights of Farmworkers, Accessory On-Farm Businesses, Current Use Reform, Cottage Food Laws, PFAS in Sewage Sludge, Cannabis, the Miscellaneous Agriculture Bill, and more. Many bills were introduced only recently and a number of relevant bills are currently in other committees - so there is a bit of a scramble to get in testimony and encourage movement of legislation. You’ll find information about these bills and conversations in our Legislative Update below. Contacting committee members and your representatives and asking them to address or take up specific legislation can be very effective; and we’ve included in many issues in the Update links to relevant committee pages where legislators’ contact information can be found .
At the national level, we continue our work on On-Farm Slaughter with the National Family Farm Coalition, including a fly-in to Washington DC in February to meet with congressional offices with farmers from around the country. On a more concerning note, the relentless attempts from the new federal administration to reduce the public sector's capacity to support our communities continues. As a reminder, here is a page with updates and resources related to the funding freeze and its impacts on farmers and the food system - and we particularly recommend Dania Davy’s Land and Liberation site as well for staying up to date. The ongoing attacks on “DEI”, the LGBTQIA community, immigrants, and the recent arrest, detention, and threat of deportation of Columbia University graduate student and legal resident Mahmoud Khalil, with no charges, based on his constitutionally protected rights to free speech and organizing - in this case in solidarity with the Palestinian people - are frightening actions which compel us to continue to raise our voices in support of all of our community members locally and globally, human rights, and our legal rights to free speech in the United States under the Constitution.
S. 60 & H.229 - Farm Security Special Fund
Rural Vermont and other agricultural stakeholders provided testimony in support of S.60, the Farm Security Special Fund, in the Senate Committee on Agriculture on February 27th. Later that week it was voted out of the committee, and now it is on to the Senate Committee on Appropriations which will begin to hear testimony on the bill on Friday, March 14th. The most substantial change in the bill, and one which was discussed in committee, is shifting the initial recommended appropriation from $20 million to $7.5 million.
We are hopeful that the bill will make it through the Senate before the deadline for “cross-over”, when bills must make their way from the House to the Senate, or vice versa. The deadline for that committee to work on that bill is March 21.
H.229 has not progressed in the House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency, and Forestry. At this point, S.60 is the legislative vehicle of choice, which we will be focusing on.
Action Steps!
There are substantial and justified concerns related to available funding in the legislature - and it’s important that we communicate to our representatives and particular committees the critical need for this investment in the agricultural community’s ability to respond to climate and weather related disasters given the tremendous impacts we have seen, and know we are going to see in the future. In particular, members of the Senate Committee on Appropriations (find its members and their contact info here) who are now taking testimony on the bill. If extreme weather events directly impacted you as a farmer or farmworker, if you were indirectly affected as a community member tied to producers, if you are just someone who supports this fund because you understand the vulnerability of farmers to these events in the context of an already very challenging farm economy - legislators need to hear your voice.
S.45 - Right to Farm
The Right to Farm bill S.45 has gained traction in the Senate Judiciary Committee. General Counsel from the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, Steve Collier, did a good job in explaining to a committee that’s usually not entrusted with agricultural issues the significance and challenges that the existing law places on farmers (watch the 2-20 recording here), including how the law places the cost and burden of litigation on farmers, and how the law is currently inconsistent with State incentives on farming. For example, Vermont would be both pushing farms to diversify to stay viable, but in order to be protected from nuisance lawsuits farmers would also have to prove that they haven’t significantly changed what they’ve been doing.
The Legislative Council underscored that the current law is falling short of the protections other states provide to farms - including nuisance protection if they trespass other peoples properties. In contrast to how litigation typically works, where the plaintiff has the burden of proof, the Right to Farm law places that burden on the farms that are subject to lawsuit to defend themselves through a so-called “rebuttable presumption.”
The Conservation Law Foundation and the Vermont Natural Resources Council testified in opposition to S.45 stating nuisance lawsuits would be rare and not threaten the farming economy. You can watch the testimonials here.
Outlook: So far there have not been any amendments to the bill as proposed. Questions were raised about the inclusion of trespassing in the nuisance protection as well as the section on mediation and if there’s enough detail to that provision for it not to derail due process of litigation. Legislative counsel shared that some states include trespassing in the protection and that page 7 of the bill would detail that a court action may be brought forward upon showing of a sworn statement demonstrating an attempt to resolve the issue through mediation. S. 45 was listed this week on the agenda with a possible vote so that there’s a likelihood of the Senate Judiciary Committee going to make a decision on whether or not to move S.45 favorably in time.
H. 94 - Accessory On-Farm Business Law
2024 changes to the Accessory On-Farm Business Law (AOFB - Act 181) disadvantaged farms who facilitate farm stays or who organize farm events by requiring they now go through Act 250 permitting if they build improvements for those venues. H. 94 seeks to address this issue. This bill was referred to the House Committee on Environment, and despite confirmation from the committee that testimony would be taken from farmers affected by the changes, the committee has not yet considered the bill.
Farmers who participated in recent stakeholder meetings determined that H.94 would not solve the issues raised by Act 181. Rural Vermont had a chance to testify to the House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency and Forestry on March 12 to share our position on H.94 (watch testimony here), that the language as introduced is not the scale-appropriate regulation of farm events and farm stays that stakeholders seek, but that there’s an opportunity with the bill to clarify the Act 250 exemption for such AOFBs with multi-use structures.
Outlook: The House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency and Forestry is considering adding language to their miscellaneous agricultural bill that would clarify that multi-use structures are Act 250 exempt.
Action Steps: Rural Vermont will continue gathering input and organizing around this issue. Please fill out our Accessory On-Farm Business Survey if you are affected by this issue and interested in offering input on future policies to resolve it.
H. 321 - The Miscellaneous Cannabis Bill
Rural Vermont and the Vermont Cannabis Equity Coalition, as well as the Land Access and Opportunity Board, testified in the Committee on House Government Operations on Wednesday the 26th of February addressing our priorities, proposed statutory language, and questions we had for the Committee - in particular, the ambivalence and disregard this bill evidences towards our recommendations, the recommendations of the CCB in recent legislatively mandated reports, and the community of people affected by these laws based on the testimony they have provided over time. To paraphrase a recent conversation with a member of the Cannabis Control Board, H.321, “has nothing terribly important to the industry in it”. A new version of the bill with amendments was introduced on Tuesday, March 11 which does eliminate a regressive moratorium on retail licenses.
Despite the actions and limitations of the House Committee on Government Operations, we are hopeful moving into the Senate as the Senate Committee on Economic Development is both less biased and more willing to hear the concerns of the stakeholders affected, and it is willing to delegate subjects based on Committee expertise (for example, the Senate Committee on Agriculture will most likely deal with land use, outdoor siting, ag status, etc.). Unfortunately, in response to a request to delegate this bill to different committees in the House, the Committee on Government Operations suggested it would like to maintain full control on the House side, though it supports the delegation in the Senate. Progress has not yet been made on our priorities thus far in the House, though we do feel that the integrity of our priorities is creating traction over time and continue to be raised through surveys, working group reports, growing coalitions of organizational actors supporting them, and the testimony of the majority of people going before committee. This makes regressive suggestions made by particular market actors and representatives more clearly evident as lacking widespread support and not being in the interest of the broader community.
As we wait for H.321 to move from the House to the Senate, we continue to have conversations with lawmakers, members of the CCB, members of the cannabis community on the ground and more. We have a farm based workshop coming up in early April - where we’ll be learning from one another about spring preparation and cultivation considerations and practices, as well as discussing issues people are facing, policy, and growing more support in the statehouse. We remain focused on developing more detailed draft statutory language supporting direct sales with a cultivator working group. This essential issue and need is coming more to the fore for lawmakers as it emerges as a pre-eminent need for small cultivators, manufacturers, and propagators and it’s important that we have options to present to lawmakers that we know stakeholders are comfortable with and have had a hand in drafting.
Call to Action!
This is an important time to be in touch with your representatives in the House and Senate (find them here) - in particular members of the Senate Committee on Economic Development, the Senate Committee on Agriculture (as relates to outdoor siting, agricultural status, direct sales, etc.), and the House Committees Government Operations and Agriculture. Let them know that H.321 includes almost no priorities from the testimony of stakeholders and stakeholder organizations at a time of critical need, including:
The recommendations of the Land Access and Opportunity Board (mirroring the recommendations in the CCB report on Social Equity)
The recommendations from the legislatively mandated Cannabis Control Board working group reports related to social equity funding, outdoor siting and advertising, and medical
The testimony of the majority of people who came before committee speaking to the need to reduce the burdens on market actors, and to implement basic standards of equity for the market including: direct sales for small producers, ag status for outdoor producers, public consumption, tax revenue towards community reinvestment, technical support for small businesses, and medical reforms.
Legislators need to be informed about, and be held accountable to address, the real needs of the people affected by the work they do, and the ideas they have for meeting those needs. Please support us in helping us to share this information, and supporting lawmakers in being accountable to their constituents and values.
H. 401 - Cottage Food Law
Vermont was one of the first states to allow cottage food sales, yet according to the Institute for Justice, the state’s current laws rank poorly in comparison to how other states support making food for sale at home:“D+” for Home Bakers, “C” for Home Processors and “B” for Home Caterers. Outdated income limit thresholds are particularly in need of updating.
H. 401 seeks to amend the current statute for food manufacturers and bakeries in Vermont by raising the outdated income gap thresholds that exempt them from licensing requirements from $10,000 to $30,000. In comparison, according to the Institute for Justice neither Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire and New York have an annual sales cap at all. In Wyoming, the annual sales cap is $250K for cottage foods.
Currently, home kitchen food production is regulated by the Vermont Department of Health, which uses a multi-tier licensing system with separate rules for “home bakers,” “home food processors” and “home caterers.” Since August of 2024 there's a new labeling requirement in effect in Vermont, requiring cottage food businesses to update their labels, including the disclaimer "made in a home bakery and not inspected by the Vermont health department." Those affected by the new requirement claim that improvements to cottage food laws are overdue and needed so that producers are not discouraged from increasing the supply of locally produced foods. Rural VT has heard from a number of people affected by these regulations over the years who have supported increasing these annual sales caps among other aspects of Vermont’s “cottage food” laws.
Outlook: The House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency and Forestry is taking testimony on H. 401, though there is little time to amend and move the bill. Rural Vermont testified in support of moving H.401 favorably after the committee heard from the Department of Health on Wednesday (watch the recording here).
Action Steps: Contact the assistant of the House Committee on Agriculture and share your thoughts on H.401 or request time to testify.
H. 292 & H. 238 - PFAS
H.292 PFAS in Sludge and Farmland
Introduced on February 20th and referred to the House Committee on Environment, where it has not received any hearings to date. The bill proposes to ban the land application of biosolids on farmland. It falls short of similar legislation passed in Maine that also includes a protection of farmers affected by the land application of sewage sludge and PFAS contamination through the creation of a fund to compensate farms affected by providing significant financial resources for mitigation strategies, technical assistance and ultimately a comprehensive response that may include relocation (see the Maine law here). Massachusetts is currently considering legislation that would follow suit and proposes such liability protection for farmers (HD.3814). The Senate version of the farm bill, which is still in the making, included a Section 12514 on PFAS relief modeled after the Maine template as well (starting on page 1352-1362 here). H.292 falls short by not providing protection or financial assistance for farms who find PFAS contamination. Rural Vermont does not support H.292 due to its lack of support for farms, and have instead lobbied for any legislation that bans land applications of “biosolids” to include a similar protection for farmers, especially given that sludge is still being spread and agencies have the authority to test for PFAS contamination. Learn more here about a Maine farmer who experienced sickness from PFAS and ended up losing their farm as a result of PFAS contamination. Farmers should not be an afterthought in the needed changes on how municipalities treat their land.
Outlook: H. 292 does not have much of a chance to pass this year because it has not gained any traction so far, though it may still be a relevant subject later this biennium.
H. 238 PFAS in Consumer Products
H. 238 is a revision of S. 25, which passed into law as Act 131 in 2024, to phase out a series of consumer products containing PFAS. It seeks to include the recommendations of a working group report on how to define PFAS and to further define what products would be included. The definition of PFAS that the House Committee on Environment suggests with H. 238 is a broader definition that would cover more PFAS chemicals. In contrast to Act 131, H. 238 excludes pesticides that contain PFAS from its purview, effectively removing the mandate to phase out PFAS from pesticides. Advocates from the Vermont Pesticides and Poisons Action Network and from the VT PFAS/ Military Poisons Coalition have flagged this shortfall with a goal to keep pesticides included in the objective.
Outlook: The House Committee on Environment voted in favor of H.238 in time so this will be an important subject to follow in the Senate soon.
Water Quality Oversight
One of the most important bills in front of the Senate Committee on Agriculture right now is a committee bill regarding water quality oversight among the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (VAAFM) and the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) (DR 225-0904). It would clarify what a current Memorandum of Understanding between the agencies outlines to satisfy the federal Environmental Protection Agencies mandate to ensure ANR inspects farms and decides whether a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation permit is needed or not. There’s a total of three bills on this issue.Lawyers from the Conservation Law Foundation and the Vermont Natural Resources Council suggest using H.146 to remove VAAFM jurisdiction on water quality oversight, rules and programming (read more in our previous update here). This new committee bill as well as S.100 are more likely to progress as neither of the agencies favor distancing farmers from accessing water quality support from the agency that’s designed to represent them and which they have an active relationship with - the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets. S. 100 is currently in the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy where it will receive testimony on March 13. Rural Vermont testified to the Senate Committee on Agriculture to share our concerns regarding H.146 that proposed to move the entire Required Agricultural Practices Rule to ANR (watch the testimony here).
Action Steps!
Reach out to the Senate Committee on Agriculture and tell them you want the Required Agricultural Practices Rule to stay with the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets. It’s not farmers' fault that ANR didn’t do their job to regulate CAFOs, and that does not justify dismantling the support systems and Agency that farmers need and deserve. Email:
Sen. Russ Ingalls (Chair), Essex District -
Sen. Joe Major (Vice Chair), Windsor District -
Sen. Brian Collamore, Rutland District -
Sen. Steven Heffernan, Addison District -
Sen. Robert Plunkett, Bennington District -
Universal School Meals
Governor Scott has proposed eliminating the Universal School Meals program in VT with the budget proposal, and actors in the agricultural, educational, food security, and other communities have been pushing back. Through coalition and relationship building led by Hunger Free Vermont, Action Circles, NOFA-VT and many more organizations there’s confidence that the strikeout proposal of the Universal Meals program in the Governors’ budget will not succeed so that the existing program and its existing funding can prevail. Rural VT has shared action alerts and information from Hunger Free VT about this topic throughout the session, and we will continue to keep you informed about any legislative updates on this issue.
House Misc Ag Bill
On February 25th, representatives from the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets (VAAFM) gave testimony for a recent Miscellaneous Agriculture bill introduced by the House Agriculture, Food Resiliency and Forestry Committee. This bill seeks to amend existing statute regarding regulation of fertilizer and lime products. The key aspect of this bill is to integrate the term “beneficial substances” to the statute, replacing what is currently listed as plant amendments, plant biostimulants and soil amendments. The bill adjusts labeling requirements, replacing the guaranteed analysis with a statement of composition and a statement of directions for use. It would also include an expiration date for microorganisms within the product. Lastly, this bill includes a change to the definition of plant biostimulant to reflect what was approved by the American Association of Plant Food Officials, an organization that unifies plant food control officials and industry representatives across the United States.
These changes would unify terminology and labeling standards across states for these substances, following a national effort to do so. There was some concern raised by committee members regarding the term beneficial substances and how that may be misleading to consumers, painting a positive and harmless image for these products. States such as California and Minnesota have already adopted these changes, and if Vermont chooses a different term it would negate the purpose of standardization that underlies this bill. The representatives from VAAFM assure that there are many protections in place to verify the safety of these products and emphasized the importance of consumer education.
H. 276 - Old Growth Forests
The bill was referred to the House Committee on the Environment and would allow for about nine percent of Vermont’s forest to become old growth forests through a newly created designation of “State wildlands” on State lands. These areas would be permanently protected from conversion per statute and allow only for minimal human interference. The bill does not allow for timber harvesting, pruning, cutting, herbicide application, the removal of diseased or infected trees, or the alteration of surface or groundwater on State wildlands. It would also by default include any future acquisitions of State lands as wildlands unless the Agency of Natural Resources finds after public engagement that doing so would not be consistent “with the purpose of this chapter.” This could limit the public and the Agency's ability to determine other purposes that are not in the purview of this bill.
Outlook: This bill has not received any hearings to date. Because it’s being championed by the Chair of the Committee of Jurisdiction (the House Committee on Environment), and because of its alignment with the goals of Act 59 (2023) it’s likely that it’s going to be a priority of that committee the week of March 18. It would have to be voted out of committee by the end of that week to make the crossover deadline.
H. 343 - Making State Lands available for farming by Native American Indian Tribes
This bill was referred to the House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency, and Forestry would allow State lands that are owned or controlled by the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) to be leased for farming by citizens of State-recognized Native American Indian tribes. Through this bill, the Secretary of Natural Resources would work with the Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets to pinpoint lands that are suitable for farming which would then be published in an inventory on ANR’s website. Outlined in the bill is a framework for the application and leasing process. It gives the Secretary of Natural Resources the authority to issue the leases, as well as the ability to establish guidelines or criteria for farming the land. As a baseline, farming activities on this land would have to comply with Required Agricultural Practices.
Outlook: With only one brief meeting to introduce this bill at the end of February, this bill would need to get some significant attention the week of March 18th to move in time for the crossover deadline.
H. 161 - Right to Repair
The Right to Repair bill, H. 161, had been referred to the House Committee on Commerce on Economic Development on February 7, 2025. The committee did not take any testimony on the bill to date and it’s also not on their agenda for the week.
Outlook: This bill will not move anywhere this session because it will miss the crossover deadline. This is disappointing for many because the issue received a lot of work and attention during the 2023/2024 biennium when it almost passed into law. Just because this issue is not gaining traction right now does not mean that it won’t be considered later in the biennium. It would be more likely to move if the House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resilience and Forestry would make a motion to take possession of the bill. Is this issue important to you? Contact the House Committee on Agriculture and ask them to take up the bill!
Rep. David Durfee, Chair -
Rep. Heather Surprenant, Vice Chair -
Rep. Leland Morgan, Ranking Member -
Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun -
Rep. Gregory "Greg" Burtt -
Rep. Jed Lipsky, Clerk -
Rep. John O'Brien -
Rep. Richard Nelson -
Farmland Development - Current Use Bills
The House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resilience and Forestry has been taking significant testimony on the Current Use Program as they consider three pieces of legislation that would amend the essential program. These three pieces of legislation are discussed below.
Action Steps
You are always invited to reach out to committee members directly in support- or not - of relevant bills. Contact information for the House Committee on Agriculture below. They appreciate hearing from you!
Rep. David Durfee, Chair -
Rep. Heather Surprenant, Vice Chair -
Rep. Leland Morgan, Ranking Member -
Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun -
Rep. Gregory "Greg" Burtt -
Rep. Jed Lipsky, Clerk -
Rep. John O'Brien -
Rep. Richard Nelson -
The first bill seeks to make it easier for land enrolled in Current Use to be developed if the development is for affordable housing. The second bill has some positive aspects to it that would help aging farmers afford staying on their land, though it would also make it easier for farmland in the Current Use program to be developed. The third bill is not directly related to agriculture, and seeks to increase the tax burden on Current Use enrollees who post their land from hunting, fishing, and trapping. None of these bills comes from, or arrive at, a holistic and stakeholder driven reform of the current use program.
H.134 seeks to amend the way the land use change tax is calculated when a parcel is removed from the Current Use program based on acreage rather than valuing the removed portion as a separate parcel. It would also create a new land use change tax exemption when land is withdrawn from the Current Use program for the development of affordable housing; when the parcel withdrawn fronts an existing public road; and when the land withdrawn is within three miles from a downtown village center, planned growth area, or designated neighborhood for development. What’s the positive in this bill for farmers? In absence of any policy incentives that would facilitate farmland succession in a way that benefits farmers who are interested in selling some farmland at market value, this legislation helps those farmers cash out on their assets if they sell their farmland within zones designated for development.
Ryan Patch from the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets estimated in a hearing on March 11 that this change would lead to the conversion of approximately 10,000 additional acres of agricultural land, including many prime ag soils (watch the recording here).
Rural Vermont testified on this bill on March 12 and reiterated the need for policy incentives that make farmland affordable for a new generation of farmers and that protect agricultural land from development. Farming can’t compete with development. Creative legislation would mitigate these public interests, but unchanged, this legislation contributes to the sellout of prime ag land. We proposed to the committee to add a condition to the effective date of the proposed changes to the land use change tax for land enrolled in Current Use under the specific criteria. We recommended that condition to be a mandate to the Regional Planning Commissions to issue Future Agricultural Land Use Maps that would make a projection where agricultural land shall be protected in the future to meet Vermont’s local self-reliance goals and guide further policy considerations on land access policy development (watch the testimony here, read the testimony here).
Among other things, H.273 would change the land use change tax from 10% to 6% of the full fair market value of the changed land. Upon development of the land, this land use change tax is calculated based on the fair market value of the changed land (without regard to the use value appraisal). This change would also make it more affordable to develop land that’s currently enrolled in Current Use. The House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resilience and Forestry heard testimony about an issue with the land use change tax that neither H.273 nor H.134 address and that is damaging to both - the farming community and the Current Use program. According to his testimony, if you are selling or dividing by sale properties in Current Use you will incur a substantial tax as the purchaser if you are not a family member and if the parcel is smaller than 25 acres - even if the agricultural status does not change (ie, there is no “change in use” away from agriculture). This was the experience with a subdivided parcel that was purchased and planned to be kept in farming as part of a Vineyard (watch the testimony here or read it here). Reason for the penalty was 32 V.S.A. § 3752 (5)(B), that defines a subdivision as development “regardless of whether a change in use actually occurs, where one or more of the resulting parcels contains less than 25 acres each”. This aspect of the Current Use law is concerning as it does not reflect the current agricultural economy or needs in VT, and presents tangible inequities for small farmers, and farmers who don’t inherit land from a family member. The Vineyard parcel was 13 acres. The testimony recommended striking 32 V.S.A. § 3752 (5)(B) from the statute.
H.273 aims to change the definition of “farmer” as used in the Use Value Appraisal Program. Farmers who own farmland can currently be enrolled in the Current Use Program if they earn less than 50% from farming if they sell at least $2,000 in agricultural products or manage more than 25 acres, according to the existing eligibility criteria. However, if a landowner seeks to enroll farmland in the Current Use Program through leasing the land, then they need to lease it to a “farmer” and the definition of farmer includes the income threshold that the person needs to make at least 50% of their annual gross income from farming. That income threshold is also relevant when someone who owns farmland wants to enroll their farm buildings in the Current Use program in addition to their land. Many farmers don’t make 50% of their income from farming and still have their land enrolled in the Current Use program. For example - the farmer might make little to no money from farming and their partner makes the majority of the income off farm and taxes are filed jointly. A farm business can also be the legal entity instead of the individual, so that only the farm makes money from farming, or at least 50% of the income. A person who leases farmland or owns farmland doesn’t need to make 50% of their income from farming as long as they create a business that focuses mostly on farming - and not through on-farm businesses, like weddings or events. Ryan Patch from the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets sees value in the proposed change because many aging farmers who can’t hay their own fields anymore but rely on their Current Use enrollment might be able to lease their land to a neighbor who doesn’t farm but who is haying the property. This is one scenario where the change would be meaningful because many people might not be able to remain on their land without being eligible for the Current Use program.
The bill would also broaden the definition of “farmer” to include people who manage equines.
H. 291
H.291, an act relating to enrollment of posted land in the Use Value Appraisal Program, seeks to raise the tax rate for enrolled lands that are posted against hunting, fishing or trapping so it is higher than that of enrolled agricultural or managed forest land. The rate would be equal to 25% of the difference between a parcel’s use value and the grand list value. This bill directs the Current Use Advisory Board to make the determination of the exact value of the tax when setting values for eligible land for the current tax year.