7/10 Flood Resources
In response to the devastating impacts of THE July 10th flooding, we are compiling a list of CURRENT farm and rural resources. We will keep this list updated as more resources become available and known.
Farm Service Agency: If you have crop insurance contact your local office to report losses.
Factsheet: Managing Flood Damage in Pasture, Crops, Livestock
NOFA is collecting info on farm impacts
Agency of Ag is collecting information on farm damage incurred between July 7 - July 18 (until August 28, 2023). This purpose of the survey is to capture the type and scale of the damage suffered by agricultural producers in the state.
CCB is collecting info on impacts to licensed cannabis growers
Northeast Center for the Advancement for Food Safety (NECAFS): Resources for Flooding
Distribution Matchmaking Tool - NOFA : connect with other farmers to navigate market disruptions due to the flood
Business Emergency Gap Assistance Program (BEGAP): Awards help applicants recoup a portion of their total net uncovered damages.
Free access to a Farmer Peer. Peers are trained in active listening, troubleshooting, and accessing resources. You can find one by location or discipline at: https://farmfirst.org/peer-support-network
Free access to a counselor. While your immediate needs are in the fields, if you need support processing your response you can access a counselor by reaching out to Eva Griffin, the Farm First Resource Coordinator.
During daytime working hours (8am-4:30pm M-F) call: 802-318-5538
Outside of daytime work hours call: 877-493-6216
Email Eva at evag@farmfirst.org
Free access to resources. On the FarmFirst website, there is a searchable database of resources that can assist you with a variety of services or accessing resources.
Don't forget to breathe. You can reduce the fight-or-flight response in the body by taking big inhales and longer exhales. Calming down the nervous system will enable you to make better decisions.
REPORT FLOOD DAMAGE TO 211: Residents in Caledonia, Chittenden, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, Rutland, Washington, Windham and Windsor counties are currently eligible for flood damage assistance through FEMA. State officials urge residents to report any flood-related damage to 211 (https://vermont211.org/ ) in hopes that additional communities, particularly Addison County, will be added to the declaration.