ENGLISH - Espanol debajo
5:30- 8 Greensboro United Church
5:30-7 Seeds, Food, and Culture: Two Wings of the Same Dove. - Yorlis Luna shares experiences and intersections from her agroecology work in Nicaragua - REGISTRATION CLOSED. We have reached capacity with interpretation equipment for this part of the event. Feel free to come and listen in Spanish, or stand near a volunteer offering informal interpretation at the back of the room, or come at 7 for the dinner and organizing discussion which will be facilitated in both English and Spanish.
7-8 Local dinner by donation (no one turned away) and Presentation on Farmer Organizing in Nicaragua with Yorlis Luna and Nils McCune, focused on building relationships between farmers internationally through their work with the Nicaragua Farmworkers’ Association, Ixim Ulew Agroecology School, and La Via Campesina
This event will be in Spanish, with interpretation headsets available for non-Spanish speakers. In-person participation for the first part of the event (until 7) is limited to 30 based on the number of interpretation headsets available. Two people can share one headset if you bring your own split headphones. We will be offering a zoom link to those that RSVP but note that the Zoom experience will be limited and non-participatory due to the nature of this event.
Registration is closed. If you have not yet RSPV’d and would like to come to the 7pm dinner and organizing conversation, please email mollie@ruralvermont.org.
This event is a collaborative effort, co-hosted by Rural Vermont, Northeast Kingdom Organizing, Black Dirt Farm, Center for Grassroots Organizing, and funded in part by the Vermont Humanities Council.
5:30- 8 Iglesia Unida de Greensboro
5:30-7 Semillas, alimentos y cultura: Dos alas de la misma paloma. - Yorlis Luna comparte experiencias e intersecciones de su trabajo de agroecología en Nicaragua.
7-8 Cena local por donación (no se rechaza a nadie) y Presentación sobre Organización Campesina en Nicaragua con Yorlis Luna y Nils McCune, enfocada en la construcción de relaciones entre campesinos a nivel internacional a través de su trabajo con la Asociación de Trabajadores Agrícolas de Nicaragua, la Escuela de Agroecología Ixim Ulew y La Vía Campesina.
Este evento será en español, con auriculares de interpretación disponibles para los no hispanohablantes. La participación en persona está limitada a 30 personas en función del número de auriculares de interpretación disponibles. Dos personas pueden compartir un auricular si traen sus propios auriculares divididos. Ofreceremos un enlace Zoom a aquellos que confirmen su asistencia, pero tenga en cuenta que la experiencia Zoom será limitada y no participativa debido a la naturaleza de este evento.
Por favor, confirme su asistencia más abajo.
Este evento es un esfuerzo de colaboración, co-organizado por Rural Vermont, Northeast Kingdom Organizing, Black Dirt Farm, Center for Grassroots Organizing, y financiado en parte por el Vermont Humanities Council.