If you are a farmer, farm worker, or just someone who eats, the policy decisions made by our legislature impact you! Join NOFA-VT, Rural Vermont and Action Circles for a series of advocacy days starting in February to learn more about the legislative process and speak directly to the elected officials making policy that shapes Vermont's food and farming systems. Starting on February 10th and continuing through April, these monthly events are a great opportunity to have your voice heard in the legislative process, and to get some training from "the experts" on how to deliver your message effectively. Find more Small Farm Action Day Events HERE.
Thursday, February 10, 2022 | 10:45 - 12 PM | on Zoom
Join the Vermont Cannabis Equity Coalition partners (NOFA-VT, Rural Vermont, Vermont Growers Association, and VT Racial Justice Alliance) for a joint session with the House and Senate Agriculture Committees to discuss recommendations for a just and inclusive cannabis marketplace. Stipends available to support farmer participation - please email shelby@ruralvermont.org if you are interested.