Small Farm Action Days go Virtual!
This year, Rural Vermont is excited to partner with our friends at NOFA-VT and Action Circles to offer a series of three advocacy trainings as part of our series of Small Farm Action Days, taking place from February through April. During these trainings, farmers, farmworkers, foodies and activists will learn about virtual advocacy and the priority issues for NOFA-VT and Rural Vermont, and prepare to present their own issues to legislators in a series of “Farmer Meet and Greets" with policymakers.
The legislative session had to go virtual this year and so does advocacy!
The agricultural community has a lot of serious concerns - many of which the ongoing pandemic exacerbates, like for example the meat processing bottlenecks. This FREE event series offers advocacy training concurrent with a series of "Meet and Greets" (hosted via Zoom), during which farmers will have the opportunity to share their stories and their own policy recommendations with legislators from a wide variety of legislative committees, including the House and Senate Agriculture Committees.
Join Rural Vermont, NOFA-VT and Action Circles between February and April for our Small Farm Action Day event series of two subsequent events per month.
A “Virtual Advocacy Training 4 Farmers” where farmers, farm workers, foodies and activists learn about virtual advocacy, RV and NOFA-VT issues and get to prepare a presentation of their own issues to legislators.
Dates: Thursdays, 11.30am - 1.30pm (2/11; 3/11; 4/8)
A subsequent “Farmer Meet and Greet with Legislators” - a lunchtime zoom meeting where participants of the advocacy training get to present their issue to legislators followed by questions, brief discussions and most importantly the ability to advance a cause through relationship building. Anyone is welcome to RSVP for this event to listen in, regardless of a participation at the advocacy training - legislators are highly encouraged to do so!
Dates: Wednesdays, 10.30am - noon (2/24; 3/17; 4/14)
Do you have to participate in both events?
No, but: We encourage you to sign up for both events in the same month to get the full experience. We do understand that this will not be possible for everyone so that you can also register for only one of the events.
Note: participants of the advocacy training will be prioritized for the available time slots to speak up on issues in the meet and greet with legislators. Reach out to if you would like to present at a Meet and Greet event without participating in the previous advocacy training.
You will need to register separately for each event. Please find the links below!
2/24 Farmer Meet and Greet with Legislators (Registration is closed)
3/11 Virtual Advocacy Training 4 Farmers
3/17 Farmer Meet and Greet with Legislators
4/8 Virtual Advocacy Training 4 Farmers
4/14 Farmer Meet and Greet with Legislators
Farmer stipends for participation are available. Email for more information.