Event is free and open to everyone who wants to see the goal that by July 1, 2020, every household will separate and recycle all of their food residuals (10 V.S.A. § 6605k) implemented. One path to achieving this goal locally and decentralized is to close the nutrient loop and return food scraps to farms where they serve as a chicken forage, a composting compound, and finally, a soil enhancer.
Learn about the Poultry Farmers for Compost Foraging – a group of six farms that collectively have been managing food residuals for over two decades.
Get briefed on the Universal Recycling Law & pending bill
Reach out to your legislators on the issue of food waste in Vermont
Observe Committee meetings & House/Senate floor sessions
Network with activists & farmers
Rural Vermont has a limited amount of farmer stipends available to make it easier for farmers to participate. Stipends can be used to cover childcare, relief labor, and transportation. If you'd like to apply for a stipend, please let us know how receiving a farmer stipend would make it easier for you to attend and the stipend amount requested. Please email Emma Paradis at Emma@ruralvermont.org to apply for a stipend.