Eat Well Guide
A free online directory of small farms, stores, restaurants, inns and hotels, and online shopping resources throughout the U.S. and Canada that offer sustainably-raised meat, dairy, and egg products.
Environmental Resource Links
For over forty years, VNRC has been Vermont’s leader in protecting and restoring our natural resources. By building coalitions, working together, and offering common sense solutions, VNRC has set the standard for an approach to environmental protection that endures.
Farm & Food Legal Resources
A collection of online, existing legal resources compiled and organized by the Center for Agriculture & Food Systems (CAFS) at Vermont Law School. Resources are separated by issues pertaining to farmers & ranchers, consumers, food entrepreneurs, attorneys & advocates, and healthcare professionals.
Farm to Plate
The Farm to Plate Strategic Plan is a 10-year plan to strengthen Vermont’s food system. Visit here.
Raw Milk
For Rural Vermont’s most recent Consumer Factsheet, click here.
NOFA-VT Local Milk Guides
NOFA-VT put together some quick and handy guides for folks who want to make sure their milk and dairy purchases are supporting the certified organic dairy farmers who are feeding us, stewarding our land, and playing a critical role in our local communities and economies. Find milk to buy farm direct HERE. Find Vermont-sourced milk HERE.
Nourishing Vermont
Home of the Burlington Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Includes resources and information about events.
Understanding Food Labels
Food labels are supposed to inform, protect, and empower consumers. Even though the law prohibits misleading food labels, consumers still find some labels to be deceptive. By better understanding how to read food labels, you can take charge of your food purchasing decisions. Explore food labels with this resource from the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems.
UVM Agritourism
A comprehensive resource for promoting agritourism, the business of establishing farms as destinations for education, recreation, and the purchase of farm products; giving visitors the opportunity to connect with the working landscape and ‘farm experience’, and creating an additional source of revenue for the host farm.
Vermont Food Systems Atlas
The Vermont Food System Atlas, an online platform for strengthening Vermont’s food system, is now live! Includes videos, stories, data, and financing sources. Farm to Plate Network members can add News & Announcements, Events, and Job Listings.
Vermont Raw Milk Farm Directory
Rural Vermont has helped to update the information about VT farmers selling raw milk posted at, a project of the Weston A. Price Foundation. That directory can be found HERE.
Vermonters for a Sustainable Population
Visit their website for information about population growth and its effects now and into the future.
Vital Communities
Including (upper Connecticut river) Valley Food and Farm. Visit here.