30 x 30
Vermont Conservation Strategy Initiative

Rural Vermont has a seat on the Agriculture Working Group of the Vermont Conservation Strategy Initiative (VCSI). Legislative Director, Caroline Gordon, represents alongside Rural Vermont Board Member Stephen Leslie who represents the Vermont Healthy Soils Coalition in the discourse around how agriculture fits into the conservation vision and future plan for Vermont. On Valentines Day, Rural Vermont got to celebrate a successful push for transparency in this relevant public engagement process: All meeting recordings of all groups of the Vermont Conservation Strategy Initiative will be made available online! The VCSI aims to find recommendations for land use in Vermont through conservation planning by the end of 2025.

Follow updates on this process in our policy blog here

Follow our 3/8/24 Action Alert here

See our 3/12/24 Action Alert Infographic here


Act 59: The vision of the State of Vermont is to maintain an ecologically functional landscape that sustains biodiversity, maintains landscape connectivity, supports watershed health, promotes climate resilience, supports working farms and forests, provides opportunities for recreation and appreciation of the natural world, and supports the historic settlement pattern of compact villages surrounded by rural lands and natural areas.


It is the goal of the State that 30 percent of Vermont’s total land area shall be conserved by 2030, and 50 percent of the State’s total land area shall be conserved by 2050. The Secretary of Natural Resources shall lead the effort in achieving these goals. The land conserved shall include State, federal, municipal, and private land.


Phase 1: Conserved Land Inventory by July 1, 2024

Including review of existing Conservation Categories

Phase 2: Conservation Plan by December 31, 2025

Including language from HAG Committee: The plan shall include… (4) recommendations to implement the vision and goals of this chapter while also enhancing the State of Vermont’s current investments and commitments to working lands enterprises, rural landowners, and the broad conservation mission implemented by the Secretary [of ANR!] and VHCB, including conservation of agricultural land, working forests, historic properties, recreational lands, and surface waters.


ANR - Jurisdiction over Land Use
= Conservation policy
= field of Planning Law which is part of
Environmental Law

VAAFM - Jurisdiction over Agriculture
= regulation of agricultural practice (RAPs)
= field of Agriculture Law


Act 59 defines: Natural resource management area” means an area having permanent protection from conversion for the majority of the area but that is subject to long-term, sustainable land management.

What does sustainable land management mean?

Act 59: “Sustainable land management” means the stewardship and use of forests and forestlands, grasslands, wetlands, riparian areas, and other lands, including the types of agricultural lands that support biodiversity, in a way, and at a rate, that maintains or restores their biodiversity, productivity, regeneration capacity, vitality, and their potential to fulfill, now and in the future, relevant ecological, economic, and social functions at local, State, and regional levels, and that does not degrade ecosystem function. 


A living resource document that includes articles, webinars, seminars, and academic papers illuminating the destructive impact/s of the global 30x30 program. This document will be updated as new resources become available.
Special thanks to Abe Collins who created the original document from which this list was generated.


Nature-Based Solutions - claimed “solutions” to the climate crisis based on the idea of leveraging the capacities of nature to store and hold carbon. It is another term used for land-based carbon offset programs including forest, soil, agriculture, and ocean offsetting programs. Carbon brokers and managers make money off of the projects, while polluters can claim carbon neutrality or that they have met their net-zero emissions reduction targets.

Off-set - the purchase of carbon credits bought for the purpose of compensating for (or ‘offsetting’) greenhouse gasses. Forestry and agriculture offsets are the most prominent nature-based solutions. Ultimately, carbon offsets allow polluters to keep on polluting.

Carbon Market - The theory that you can turn carbon dioxide into a commodity (in the form of a carbon credit) and put it in a market to disincentivize the release of further carbon into the atmosphere. 

Natural Asset Company - a type of public company defined by the New York Stock Exchange as “a corporation whose primary purpose is to actively manage, maintain, restore (as applicable), and grow the value of natural assets and their production of ecosystem services.”

Corporate Farmland Acquisition Subsidiary - A subsidiary is a company that is owned or controlled by a parent or holding company. Corporations use multi-level subsidiary structures to conceal their investments in farmland.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory - The national greenhouse gas inventory is developed by the Environmental Protection Agency each year to track trends in U.S. emissions and removals.

Net Zero – When corporations purchase carbon offsets equivalent to the carbon they release into the atmosphere. Net zero is not true zero, and allows for corporations to continue ecologically devastating practices while appearing to be ‘green.’

Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) –  the name given to a variety of arrangements through which the beneficiaries of environmental services, from watershed protection and forest conservation to carbon sequestration, reward those whose lands provide these services with subsidies or market payments.


Environmental Protection Agency’s Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks, 2023

Nature-based Solutions Curriculum: A Guide to deepen a shared understanding of the threat of Nature-based solutions versus real solutions for climate justice by Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, November 2023

Senator Cory Booker’s Farmland for Farmers Act

Conservation Categories Workgroup Report to the VCSI Science and Policy Committee DRAFT January 26, 2024

Draft report available HERE.

Final Agriculture Working Group of the Vermont Conservation Strategy Initiative (VCSI) Report April 18, 2024

Final report available HERE.